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中华民族是个讲究仪礼的国家。China is a country of courtesy and propriety.

这才有了一开始的非礼那一幕。This is the beginning of the scene of propriety.

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按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。You should stand up greeting the guests with propriety.

有些人喜欢采用的谷歌有些是妥当。Some are powered by the likes of Google, some are propriety.

巴纳比的爸爸希望他能老老实实地过一辈子。His father had hoped Barnaby might lead a life of dim propriety.

中国从来以礼义之邦著称。China has always been known as a land of propriety and righteousness.

人民南加拉提亚可以以礼称为加拉太。The people of South Galatia could with propriety be styled Galatians.

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仁之规范是指仁作为相对具体的行为准则,主要包括“义”、“礼”和“中庸”。As norms, it is a series of codes of conduct, containing Justice, Propriety.

我校学生中考可被华师一高中部适当优惠录取。The students in our school can be admitted propriety by No. 1 Middle School.

西方的礼节意识随风消逝,而留给我们的是……The Western sense of propriety gets thrown to wind, and what we are left with is...

当然,这需要恰当的分寸感、方式、以及巧妙的“展示”。" Of course, this requires appropriate sense of propriety flu, as well as clever "show.

木炭填料适宜应用于苏州城市河道水环境质量改善。Charcoal were the propriety material for water treatment in the riverway in Suzhou city.

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新闻界在各个方面都在逾越明显的礼节和得体界限。The press is overstepping in every direction the obvious bounds of propriety and decency.

他却完全约束住了自己,彬彬有礼地把胳膊伸给德库西夫人。He was sufficiently master of himself to offer his arm with all propriety to Lady De Courcy.

递交评定报告或证书关于专利厂防火闸的安装方法。Submit assessment report or certification for propriety made fire damper installation method.

中华法系“以礼入法”的渊源,实际是在强调人的义务。Chinese Legal System "with propriety into the Law" roots, actually emphasizing the obligation.

但无论怎样,关于管理和预算办公室的监督活动的适宜性问题仍不断出现。Nevertheless, questions about the propriety of OMB's oversight activity have continued to arise.

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出于报复心理,德皇在礼仪问题上刁难载沣使团。The German Emperor took revenge on China by making thinas difficult in the ceremony and propriety.

不过,他先天就有一种恰当而纯朴的鉴赏力,使他一般都很明断。but he has aninnate propriety and simplicity of taste, which in general direct him perfectly right.

让她誉满天下的得体和实用主义会阻碍她成为显要人物吗。Will the propriety and pragmatism that got her there keep her from becoming the mogul she wants to be?