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因为神的恩典是宝贵的,是我们不配得的恩惠。Because God's grace is precious unmerited favor.

求祢使我们也把这福音与身边的人共享,让他们看见祢无条件的爱。Help us to share that same news with the people around us, showing your unmerited love.

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对于那些要求我们服从我们不能受之压迫的人,我们有的只是轻蔑。Nothing but contempt is due to those people who ask us to submit to unmerited oppression.

真正的压力来自主观的感受,或者反应不当所带来的后果。In fact the pressure comes from subjective feelings and the aftermath of the unmerited reaction.

这名25岁的球员仍然坚持自己的看法并且感到多数对他行径的批评都是过分的。The 25-year-old maintains his side of the story and feels much of the criticism that has come his way has been unmerited.

米非波设所得的这份不配得的怜悯和恩惠,正是上帝对祂百姓的爱的最佳例证。The undeserved mercy and unmerited favour shown to Mephibosheth illustrates well the kind of love God has for His people.

当发生不当释明时,当事人有权获得救济,当事人享有提出异议权和上诉权,以及损失赔偿请求权。Parties are able to obtain relief when take place unmerited clarify and can raise objection and appeal, also possess the power of action for damages.

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结果气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的主要原因是低位气管切开、术后体位不当。Results The main reasons of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy are cutting open the trachea at the lower position and a unmerited posture of body after the surgery.

由于岩溶山区本身的脆弱性和人为作用,导致土地贫瘠、水源缺乏,水土流失严重,石漠化现象日益加剧。Unmerited artificial action and frangibility of karst mountain area brought out many environment problems, such as soil leanness, absence of water resources and grave desertification.

由于监管滞后和相应的法律不甚健全,通过关联交易获取不当利益的案例屡屡发生且有愈演愈烈之势。因此,学术界和社会公众对关联交易普遍比较关注。As the unsubstantial intendance and unsound related laws, unmerited affiliated transactions are more and more which has attracted the attention of the academia and the community for a long time.