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裁判宣布他没有越位。The referee declared him onside.

但从此后我们又怎么知道什么是真的分布有利?But then, how do we know what is really onside ?

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我们两个前锋都很明显的没有越位。Both of our strikers could see that the other was clearly onside.

消灭了球员会以光速往回跑到不越位的位置的情况。Stopped players moving back into onside positions at unrealistically fast speed.

我们的解决方案必须涵盖体系内的阿富汗部落,阿富汗境内的基地组织,以及周边国家。We need the tribes inside the system, al-Qaida outside, and the neighbours onside.

还未超越卡瓦略而没有越位,而且不会被捉到,唯一疑问就是他能否击败切赫。Played onside by Carvalho and uncatchable, the only question was would he beat Cech.

禁区内的舍甫琴柯并不越位,在第一时间起脚打门,大力施射越过巴普蒂斯塔直入网窝。Shevchenko was onside and striking first time, he looped the ball over Baptista and in.

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一次,有人问,他是如何获得不同追随者支持的时候,他把。It was when asked how he kept his mix of followers onside that he called loot a talismanic gathering-word.

如果员工不了解计划中的改变,他们可能会对它发生抵触,从而导致整个计划失败。If staff are not onside for the planned changes they can fight against the change and cause the whole plan to fail.

它能取得低利的资金挹注,它可以不管股价涨跌,因为它有政府这个主要股东挺着。It has access to cheap finance. It can ignore its share price, since its majority shareholder, the government, is onside.

然而确认没有越位的弗兰克,将球从门将柯克兰两腿中间穿裆入门,这个进球让每个切尔西球迷都兴奋不已。After realising he was onside , Frank slotted the ball through the legs of keeper' Kirkland, much to the pleasure of every Chelsea fan.

克里斯让他的老队员清清楚楚地承担责任,让他们全心全意尽职尽责,大家团结一心让纽卡斯尔成绩提高。Chrissy's clearly given his senior men responsibility, got them fully onside and everyone is working together to get Newcastle promoted.

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政府小心维系的唤醒风险偏好和保持债券市场稳定之间的局面可能越来越难以把握。The fine line authorities are treading between awakening risk appetite and keeping the bond market onside could then become much harder to walk.

“这很不错,”鲁尼承认。“迈克尔踢得很好,他有好几次都摆脱了后卫但是却被判越位,虽然从我的位置上看他并没有越位。"It was good, " Rooney admitted. "Michael played well, he got through a few times but got flagged offside even though from where I was he looked onside.

接着重点转移到了卡卢的那个被误判的进球。从回放来看那绝对是个好球。The main talking point of the game will be the disallowance of Salomon Kalou's goal for offside, when replays suggested the Ivorian forward was onside when the ball was played.

我认为罗基的进球并不越位,但随后我有不认同裁判的判罚了,基伏对贝赫拉米的犯规应该判点球。I think Rocchi started his goal from an onside position, but then again I am biased! What I can complain about is Cristian Chivu's foul on Behrami that should have been a penalty.

第四,一个区域性的解决方案将需要与巴基斯坦政府紧密合作,以让阿富汗走入正轨,并协助它走自己那前途堪忧的道路来形成良好的发展和优秀的管理。Fourth, a regional solution will require working closely with the Pakistani government to keep it onside and assist it with its own fraught path to development and good governance.

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元赋“祖骚”不仅模拟楚辞的外在形式,而且深入其精神气质,尤其是对“骚悲”和“骚怨”的继承颇有体悟。Yuan Fu absorbing the essence from Sao not only imitate onside form of Chuci, but also thorough its spirit qualities. It inherits to have to comprehend with "Sorrow" and "Hate" of Sac particularly.

克里希在阿森纳左路的表现实在难以服众,经常冒失的跑到前锋线上,以至于整条后卫线跟着向前冲冲冲。Clichy has looked less than convincing on the left of the Arsenal defence, and often seems to be the man playing an opposition striker onside while the rest of the back line move forward as one unit.