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刘琨欣然同意。Liu Kun agreed readily.

她欣然同意我的意见。She agreed with me readily.

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兰如剑满口答应。Such as sword readily promised.

女人实在太心慈面软了。Woman forgives but too readily.

他们不能对此马上作出应诺。They cannot readily agree to it.

这位寡妇母亲毫不犹豫的应承了。The widowed mother readily agreed.

炎热,肉容易变味。Meat taints readily in hot weather.

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王师北欣然容许。King division north readily allowed.

容易氧化的倾向时热。Tendency to oxidize readily when hot.

它已经垂手可得,却稍纵即逝。It is readily available, but fleeting.

对此他欣然同意,并且安排了两天。To this he readily assented & two days.

他们迅速地同意了我们的建议。They readily assented to our suggestion.

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所有以上合金均可焊。All of these alloys are readily weldable.

肉在闷热天气易腐烂。Meat will readily taint in close weather.

商家很蓉杨遵循的意见。The merchant readily followed the advice.

听众对他的演说立即作出反应。The audience reacted readily to his speech.

欧洲人和犹太人不易同化。Europeans and Jews do not readily assimilate.

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令我吃惊的是,我竟理解得这么透辟。I was amazed to see how readily I understood.

遇到稀碱就容易环化。Cyclization occurs readily with dilute alkali.

一氧化碳不易被人的感觉器官所觉察。CO is not readily perceived by the human senses.