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约翰逊告诉奥尼尔和布莱恩特。Johnson told O Neal and Bryant.

你能跟我们讲讲布莱恩公园吗?Can you tell us about Bryant Park?

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科比·布莱恩特是球队最大的明星。Kobe Bryant is their biggest star.

凯尔特人队让科比如此深有感触是有历史原因的。The Celtics have framed Bryant for history.

你能跟我们讲讲布莱恩公园里的人吗?Can you tell us about people in Bryant Park?

我只是骗骗你们而已。"I was just lying to you guys, " Bryant said.

科比听到艾佛森所说的话后笑了。Kobe Bryant smiled when told what Iverson said.

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科比和费舍尔将会压倒雷阿伦和龙多。Bryant and Fisher will dominate Allen and Rondo.

科比得分少了,他们全队的得分却多了。Bryant is scoring less and they're scoring more.

Carlesimo换了新秀杰夫-格林来防守科比。Carlesimo switched rookie Jeff Green onto Bryant.

半场结束时,布莱恩特只有6投3中拿到了10分。Bryant had 10 points on 3-of-6 shooting by halftime.

科比说大概有450个8---18岁的孩子参加了他的篮球训练营。Bryant said 450 kids aged 8-to-18 attended his camp.

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科比布莱恩特。我最喜欢的就是NBA。他是最出色的球员。Kobe Bryant. I like NBA best .He is the best player.

也许科比变成了有些疯狂的乐观主义者。So maybe Bryant has turned into a cock-eyed optimist.

科比命中了8个三分球,平了NBA的记录。Bryant made eight three-pointers, tying an NBA record.

科比-布莱恩特与他的洛杉矶湖人想再跟你们过招。Kobe Bryant and his Los Angeles Lakers want a rematch.

这场比赛,科比砍下了20分,但是15投只有5中。Bryant finished with 20 points on five-for-15 shooting.

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科比远远出现在那辆黑色车边。Kobe Bryant emerges from the far side of the black Nav.

如果是这样的话,布莱恩特就不会到现在什么都没有得到了。That way, Bryant could never have been blanked until now.

而这些顿悟,其中有很多是来自于拉塞尔对科比的引导。As much as anyone, Russell led Bryant to those epiphanies.