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年前教过我这个。Zig taught me this twenty years ago.

为什么这个那个不建议给指甲打蜡?Why doesn't Zig Zag suggest nail-waxing service?

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为什么这个那个标准修甲有何特别和专业之处?What makes Zig Zag standard manicure special and professional?

在我十二岁时,爸爸带我去见齐格·齐格勒先生。When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler.

我十二岁的时候,父亲带我去见齐格·齐格勒先生。When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Ziegler.

没有明显的起因,但是铁轨不会无缘无故地突然变成之字形。No cause evident, but rails to not just zig and zag suddenly without cause.

在体验我们的修甲的时候,你会发现我们的程序是特别和专业的。By experiencing Zig Zag's manicure, you will find the process special and professional.

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学习基本齐格扎格步骤与合作伙伴在这个自由舞蹈课的狐步舞视频。Learn the basic zig zag steps with a partner for dancing the foxtrot in this free video dance lesson.

我喜欢金克拉所说关于动力的话,他说,“人们常说动力不会持续很长时间。I like what Zig Ziglar said about motivation, he said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last.

有时,你会觉得仅仅一句话就改变了你对一件事情的看法,这正是金格拉的专长所在。Sometimes, a simple quote can change the way you see something, and that is what Zig Ziglar does so well.

湿地的齐格产生了更多的锐步篮球鞋在任何利害关系,除了该公司在多年不见。The Zig Slash has generated more interest in any Reebok basketball shoe than the company has seen in years.

所有发生的事情,都会教育你,让你为下一个阶段的人生做好准备。每一段经历都是有价值的。"Everything that occurs teaches and prepares you for the next stage of life. Nothing is lost. " – Zig Ziglar.

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尽管有时布置的防守策略错误的,但在场上的球员也能随机应变。In defense of the failed defensive strategies, though, often times players zig when they're instructed to zag.

部分鬃野马是一个太极演习这有时是由于执行齐格扎格运动模式转换。Part wild horses mane is a Tai Chi maneuver that's sometimes performed as a zig zag pattern transitioning movement.

金克拉1926年出生于美国阿拉巴马州科菲县,他是美国作家、销售专家及激励演说家。Zig Ziglar was born in 1926 in Coffee County, Alabama, United States. He is an American author, salesperson and a motivational speaker.

金克拉的公司有一张包括世界500强企业,美国政府机关,教堂,学校和非赢利性组织的客户表。Zig Ziglar's company has a client list that includes Fortune 500 Companies, U. S. Government agencies, churches, schools and non-profit associations.

在这个特殊的日子,虽然,这是我在第一次运行锐步齐格湿地,超过我们的六连胜,我实际上已经开始,我们会失去希望。On this particular day though, it was my first run in the Reebok Zig Slash , and over our six-game win streak, I had actually began to hope we'd lose.

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为了通过这个直接过滤的检验,你需要为那些从标题到结束Z字型浏览你的内容的“对角线”读者进行写作。And in order to pass this direct filter test, you need to write for “diagonal” readers who scan your content from headline to close in a zig zag pattern.

来吧——打破常规,想办法在其他人都往一个方向挤的时候而你独辟蹊径,找到属于你的东西,让自己变得与众不同。Go ahead — break a few rules and find ways to zig where others zag. Find something that you can call all your own, and make yourself stand out as special.

三十年前,著名营销培训家齐格·齐格勒走进达拉斯一个汽车经销店,要求够买一台卡迪拉克“帝威”牌轿车,接待他的是汽车销售大师查克.拜罗兹。Three decades ago, renowned sales trainer Zig Ziglar walked into a Dallas car dealership to buy a Cadillac Sedan deVille. He was greeted by master car salesman Chuck Bellows.