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这看起来不怎么着调It's not a very credible problem.

为什么不真实,不可信呢?Why credible is not the untruthfulness?

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我认为孙作云的说法不太可信。I think that Sun is not Zuoyun credible.

但是人们自然而然地寻找可靠的市场老二。But people are rooting for a credible No. 2.

到目前为止,只有一个可靠的建议。So far, there is only one credible proposal.

在这个对象上,你是一个可信赖的建议者吗?Are you a credible source of advice on the issue?

什么使专家证言让陪审员感到可靠?What makes expert witnesses credible with jurors?

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坏消息是佩罗看上去再次获得了信赖。The bad news was that Perot looked credible again.

诸书有关郑和体貌的记载是可信的。Records about his external appearance were credible.

其次,分散性措施更可靠。Second, the decentralized approach is more credible.

要想在外交上取得成效,说话必须算数。For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible.

唯一可靠的缓解之法就是拖延希腊的还款期限。The only credible deterrent was letting Greece default.

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原来这就是“可信的不道德行为的证据”的标准。So much for the credible evidence of wrongdoing standard.

静脉回流丰富,神经支配可靠。Refluence of vein is plentiful and innervation is credible.

现在他万事俱备,只缺一个合适的时机和一个令人信服的开战理由。All he needed was the right moment and a credible cassus belli.

一个母亲把儿子打至不省人事实在让人难以置信,其他关于准确性的不满。A mother flog her son until he's unconscious didn't seem too credible.

你应该尝试着去确定这个人有没有任何可信的参考。You should try to determine if this person has any credible references.

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安把这件事告诉了父母和朋友,大家都劝她这不可信。Ann this matter told parents and friends, telling her that all credible.

这也许貌似荒诞,但是否同时又有些可信?This might seem fantastical, but yet somewhat credible at the same time?

西晋郭璞认为他是一部可信的地理文献。West Jin Dynasty Guo Pu thought it was a credible geographic literature.