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九眼天珠。Nine beads.

九和十。Nine and ten.

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这九名法官是谁?Who are the nine?

还有一小段行程在波西尼亚的“塞尔共和国”境内,路上要花九个小时。It takes nine hours.

现在是九点零五分。It's five past nine.

钟敲了九下。The clock struck nine.

猫是否真的有9条命?。Do cats have nine lives?

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最大的才九岁。The oldest is only nine.

十停儿有九停儿是好的。Nine out of ten are good.

钟隆隆地敲了九下。The clock booms out nine.

最大的才九岁。Thee oldest is only nine.

九点钟开始上课。S- begins at nine o'clock.

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三减酒娲是十两。Three plus nine is twelve.

三三得九。Three times three is nine.

我们从九点工作到五点。We work from nine to five.

一针及时省九针。A stich in time saves nine.

及时一针省九针。A stitch in time save nine.

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五加四等于九。Five plus four equals nine.

五加九等于十四。Five plus nine is fourteen.

马行十步九回头。Horses ten steps back nine.