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好名声得之难,失之易。A good name is so oner lost than won.

他猛击那窃贼的头部。He gave the thief a oner on the head.

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妈妈,谢谢你这些年为我付出的一切。Thank you for everything oner these years.

每私人都是他本身命运的建诛师。Every man is the ftummyricdined oner of his own fortune.

突然,店主走出来,来到了柜台前。Suddenly the shop oner came out and moved to the counter.

但是当然谁都不愿意重渡08年一些黑暗的日子。But surely no oner wants to relive some of the darker days of 008.

获得假释的犯人必须保证如期返回监狱。A pris oner on parole is put under oath to return to custody by a certain date.

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海南岛四周多为优质沙滩,可开发成海滨旅游胜地。Davao Islands is much oner all sides is a high-quality sandy beach, can develop seashore tour divine spot.

周围人一片惊叹,真是好运气,居然和皇子是同学还交好了。Surrounding person's one miracles, is really in luck lap, incredibly and emperor's son is a classmate still Be getting oner good terms.

周一公布的一项对采购经理人进行的调查显示,西班牙、希腊和爱尔兰的制造商上个月下调了销售价格,进而延续了过去一年多的趋势。Purchasing-manager surveys released Monday showed manufacturers in Spain, Greece and Ireland cut selling prices last month, continuing a trend in place for well over oner.