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脚底生皮,有什么办法能解决吗?。Plantar peltry, what method can be solved?

足底筋膜炎是负责足跟痛。Plantar fasciitis is responsible for heel pain.

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为什么脚底会怕挠痒痒?。Why is plantar meeting afraid of flinch crawly?

一可以把一个运动的磁带就足底筋膜。One can put an athletic tape on the plantar fascia.

这种方法可以有效的拉伸足跟筋膜和小腿排肠肌。This directly stretches the plantar fascia and the calf muscles.

足底筋膜炎是造成足跟底部疼痛最常见的原因之一。Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of inferior heel pain.

从来没有听说金克尔伊丽莎白患有足跟痛或足底筋膜炎。Elizabeth Kinkel has never had heel pain or heard much about plantar fasciitis.

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正如我们所期望的,这些简单的运动可以很好的缓解足底腱膜疼痛。Hopefully, this simple routine will help alleviate the symptoms of plantar fasciitis.

所以,富有弹性的跟腱和健康的足底筋膜之间存在着密切的联系。So there's a strong connection between a limber Achilles and a healthy plantar fascia.

我们知道按摩大拇趾底部可以让人便秘。We knew by working the plantar surface of the big toe you could make someone constipated.

足底筋膜是脚上的一系列结缔组织,类似于纹理状的韧带。The plantar fascia is a band of connective tissue in the foot, similar in texture to a ligament.

对于重建手掌与脚掌,是一个非常好的选择。The medial plantar flap is an excellent choice in the reconstruction of palmar and plantar areas.

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这些允许水平降低应力为您的足底筋膜炎,因此他们妥善管理。These allow to reduce the level of stress for your plantar fasciitis and thus manage them properly.

移植后3个月有3例患者较移植前轻度改善。The deep plantar sensation waa ameliorated slightly in 3 patients at 3 months after transplantation.

结论足底内侧皮瓣修复足跟部深度软组织缺损效果较好。Conclusions It is effective to use the medial plantar flap to treat the deep heel soft tissue defect.

目前,最常见的一种过劳性损伤是跟骨骨刺综合症或足底筋膜炎。Now, one of the most common types of overuse injuries we see Heel Spur Syndrome, or Plantar Fasciitis.

目的研究跖内侧动脉向足内侧区发出皮支的分布情况,改进皮瓣切取方法。Objective To introduce a skin flap containing the middle cutaneous branch of the medial plantar artery.

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这是由于,搓足底涌泉穴有改善体质、进步机体免疫力的功用。This is due to rubbing plantar Yongquan point, have to improve the physique, improve immunity function.

由本研究得知,高解像力超音波检查可作为足底筋膜炎诊断评估的工具。We conclude that high-resolution ultrasonography is a useful tool in the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis.

从双峰曲线提取特征量,进行统计分析。Characteristic parameters were picked up from bimodal curve of plantar pressure for statistical analysis.