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你在跟我说话吗,小青蛙?You talking to me, froggy?

青蛙王子还在我手里!I still got that froggy prince locked away!

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随着他的初学者的运气,蛙在一方面一洞!With his beginner's luck, Froggy makes a hole in one!

这是父亲节,最后,和蛙是所谓的面向对象的兴奋。It's Father's Day at last, and Froggy is so-o-o excited.

这是小青蛙我们和他打打招呼吧小青蛙的一家有几个成员?This is froggy . Lets greet with him. How many frogs are there in froggys family?

不,一个在阿富汗的上校在电脑屏幕前做青蛙鬼脸这并不奇怪。No, it's not weird that an Army major is making froggy faces at a computer screen in Afghanistan.

在乐趣园,迷你高尔夫弗罗吉发现很有趣,尤其是当他的数字,如何面对正确的做法。At the fun park, Froggy discovers mini golf is fun—especially once he figures out how to face the right way.

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一只年轻的牛蛙必须很快了解一个简单的蛙类准则。吃想吃的任何东西,只是不要成为别人的盘中餐。A young bullfrog must quickly learn one simple froggy fact. Eat whatever it wants, just don't end up on someone else's menu.

乔治想去外面的雪地里玩,却被妈妈叫了回来,让他添一些必需的衣服。Froggy hops out into the snow for a winter frolic but is called back by his mother to put on some necessary articles of clothing.

整体来说,青蛙先生有很好的攻防数据,而且牠的战场控制能力在任何地方来说都是很有用的。Totally. Senor Froggy has nice attack and defense numbers, and his battlefield-control abilities are useful at any scale of play.

他是加拿大卡尔加里的比较生物学家现在领导着一种新的化石分析工作。You know, kind of a froggy slamander-y sort of look, " said Jason Anderson, a comparative biologist at the University of Calgary, Canada, who led a new analysis of the fossil."