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它是那样难以消灭,真是令人震惊。And it is staggeringly hard to kill.

财富的创造已经快的惊人了。The creation of wealth has been staggeringly quick.

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建设新核电站的计划出奇的昂贵。A new programme of nuclear power would be staggeringly expensive.

由于不断进化的科技,当代社会惊人的多变。Modern society is staggeringly volatile due to ever-evolving technology.

以PTC124为特点的PTC疗法在动物模型中逐渐的获得了成功。PTC124, which is made by PTC Therapeutics, has been staggeringly successful in animal models.

该方法将两幅沿对角线方向错位拍摄的CCD图像迭加成一幅合成的图像。In this method two CCD images taken staggeringly in diagonal direction are composed into an image.

她走进来,和和气气的,态度从容,表现出非常自然的样子。She enters, sunny, self-possessed, and giving a staggeringly convincing exhibition of ease of manner.

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我们发现代价高得惊人,客户也因此在合约中取消了对可跟踪性的需求。The cost was so staggeringly high that the client removed the traceability requirement from the contract.

基地存储着上百亿兆的信息,运行着让人叹为观止、聪明无比的最新科技设备。The server farms stockpile the exabytes of information and operate an array of staggeringly clever technology.

很多iPhone应用是无足轻重的小程序,有些惊人的聪明,有些非常有用,有那么几个只是很漂亮。Many iPhone apps are trivial little programs, some are staggeringly clever, some very useful, a few are simply beautiful.

你的一个小组成员中有一个人有一个曲轴动力的MP3播放器,昨天的一文不值的东西,今天却是珍品。One member of the group has a crank-powered mp3 player, yesterday a conversation piece, today a staggeringly valuable rarity.

伦敦人对北京地铁新线只有眼馋的份了,它是北京地铁网络高速扩展的一部分。Londoners can only gawp is envy at Beijing's latest subway route, part of a staggeringly fast expansion in the capital's network.

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人们在谈论极限编程的时候,谈得最多的是它的快速反应力以及轻量化的开发过程,但往往不提可靠性。People talk a lot about its responsiveness and its light weight, but I hear more stories about XP's staggeringly high reliability.

但是,运动锻炼究竟如何在细胞水平上对大脑复杂惊人的运作施加影响仍然是不解之谜。But how, exactly, exercise affects the staggeringly intricate workings of the brain at a cellular level has remained largely mysterious.

毕业的学生没有获得就业机会,转而开始起诉高校,要索回到他们缴纳的高得惊人的学费。The graduating students are not getting jobs and in turn have started suing the colleges to get back their staggeringly high tuition costs.

此外,电缆的重量必须超轻,强度超强,可以承受射向地球大气层内外的所有抛射物的撞击。The cable must be exceptionally light, staggeringly strong and able to withstand all projectiles thrown at it inside and outside the atmosphere.

接下来这段节选,我认为,是你们能读到的文学作品里,最美妙,最惊艳的段子。What follows, it seems to me, is one of the most staggeringly beautiful, wonderful, amazing riffs on a passage of literature that you can encounter.

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中国的建设工程通常都惊人地快,摩天大楼和多车道高速公路以非同一般的速度改变着城市的面貌。Chineseconstruction is normally staggeringly fast, with towering skyscrapers and multi-lane highways changing urban landscapes at extraordinary pace.

BIS提到,“一些新兴市场的经济体推动房地产价格惊人地高速率增长。而私营部门的债务也在快速上升中,”"Property prices in a number of emerging market economies are advancing at staggeringly rapid rates, and private sector indebtedness is rising fast," the BIS said.

这些举措在让经济复苏的同时,也给美国和其他受危机重创的发达经济体带来沉重债务负担.The tactics helped spark a recovery but left the United States and other advanced economies, which were hit hardest by the crisis, with staggeringly large debt burdens.