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或许在将来的某一天。Mabe someday in the future.

谁知道,谁知道我哪天挂了。Who knows? Mabe I'm next in line.

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我只是逛逛,或许待会需要你的帮忙。Just browsing. Mabe later I might need your help.

对学好英语来说,兴趣也许很重要!Mabe interest is very important to learn English well.

也许你有很多“朋友”,但真正能做到A到Z的又有几个呢?Mabe you have mony friends. But how many of then can finish A to Z ?

毫无疑问,让店员摸不着头脑,偷走他的商品是一件很有趣的事。Sure, it was funny to confuse Mabe the Shopkeeper and pilfer his wares.

就是这样的广告。老天,真的会让我想到今年干一番大事。It an ad like this. Oh hell, that's really mabe me want to do something BIG.

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所以,玉,也许你能帮我找找看是否有从顺德到深圳的船。So Yu mabe you can find out for me if i can get a boat from Shunde to Shenzhen?

记住,希望是件美好的东西,没准还是最好的东西,而美好的东西是永远不会消逝的。Remember, hope is a good thing , mabe the best of things . And no good thing ever dies.

第一句的“薪”也与第三句的“人”为韵,真部。The first sentence of the "pay" is also the third sentence of the "people" as a rhyme, Mabe.

也许他也曾经像我一样渴望影子。想在影子下躲避阳光,却为了影子被车轮碾去了生命。Mabe like me, he had been longing for the shadow in order to avoid the sunshine, but his life was crushed to pieces by those wheels.

本文以定西地区为例,对作物生产与自然降水、作物生产与土壤肥力以及土肥生产效应等方面进行了研究。Based on Dixi district, the study of crop yields and precipitation, crop yields and soil fertility and soil fertility effects has been mabe.

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由此看中间的一章,自然也是第一句的“薪”与第三句的“人”为韵,真部。From that perspective the middle of a chapter, naturally also the first sentence of "pay" and the third sentence of the "people" as a rhyme, Mabe.