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格洛弗狠狠地踢他的胯部。Glover kicked him hard in the crotch.

我们大家一起请比尔格洛弗出去吃晚饭。We're all going to take Bill Glover out to dinner.

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演员阵容包括约翰·塞纳、丹尼·格洛弗和帕特里西亚·克拉克森。John Cena, Danny Glover and Patricia Clarkson star.

格洛弗认为史密斯说他坏话,也许是出于嫉妒。Glover thinks that Smith did him down, perhaps out of envy.

杰里•格洛弗研究农业、环境和食品安全。Jerry Glover studies agriculture, the environment and food security.

学校的特警们并没有给格罗佛任何医疗帮助。The SWAT officers at the school failed to provide Glover with any medical assistance.

在1843年她嫁给乔治W格洛弗,死于出生之前,他们的第一个孩子。In 1843 she married George W. Glover , who died before the birth of their first child.

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杰里•格洛弗说现在是时候让自然植物群落回归掌控我们的土地。Jerry Glover says it is time to put natural plant communities back in control of our land.

星期三晚上跟我们一起出去玩,怎么样?我们大家一起请比尔格洛弗出去吃晚饭。How about coming out with us Wednesday night?We're all going to take Bill Glover out to dinner.

格洛弗说,激进的女权主义导致了一种极端敌视男人的社会氛围。Glover stated that radical feminism led to a social climate that was extremely hostile toward men.

这就是为什麽他承认不正确解释的最后成果,我是指格洛波的最后成果。And that is why he admits the eventual fruitfulness – I mean. Glover – of incorrect interpretation.

在贝兹佩奇黑球场赢得美国公开赛,这是他在职业高尔夫协会巡回赛职业中所获得第二次胜利。Ucas Glover has won the US Open at Bethpage Black, getting only the second victory of his PGA Tour career.

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“我们认为有机会来重新诠释什么是喜剧,他们是怎样制造和发行的”葛洛瓦说。"We think there's an opportunity to redefine what comedy is, how it's made and distributed, " says Glover.

卢卡斯·格罗乌尔在贝斯佩奇黑球场的美国高尔夫公开赛中获胜,这是他美巡赛后获得的第二个冠军。Lucas Glover has won the US Open at Bethpage Black, getting only the second victory of his PGA Tour career.

然后,他在“社区”节目上看见了穿着蜘蛛侠睡衣的格洛夫,便知道自己的决议是正确的。Later, he saw Glover on the television show "Community," wearing Spider-Man pajamas, and knew he was on the right track.

还记得克里斯平-格洛弗在晚间电视节目中差一点使用空手道的踢法袭击大卫。Remember when actor Crispin Glover went nutso on late-night television and came inches short of karate-kicking David Letterman in the jaw?

“网络现在已经快到它的‘限速’阶段了,”克勒弗写道,“虽然我们还预测不出它将朝哪个方向发展,但是我们能看到的是矛盾和冲突才刚刚开始。”"TheInternet is nearing its speed-limit stage, " Glover wrote. "We can'tguess where this will end, only that the skirmishes have only just begun.

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格洛夫女士说,但很多时候,囚徒们似乎在用充足的时间思考为什么他们会被监禁。But more often than not, Ms. Glover said, it is apparent to her that prisoners have used their ample time alone to consider why they are incarcerated.

马尔格洛夫当时还援引马哈茂迪的话说,“利比亚政府与‘全国过渡委员会’有沟通联系机制”。Malta Glover was also quoted Mahathir as saying Motech, "the Libyan government and the 'National Transition Council' have communication and contact mechanism."

继上周出访班加西后,俄总统非洲国家合作特别代表马尔格洛夫下周将出访利比亚首都的黎波里。Following last week's visit to Benghazi, the Russian President Special Representative of the African countries to Malta Glover will visit the Libyan capital Tripoli next week.