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课堂秩序是教学的基本保障。Classroom order is basic assuring of teaching.

深度填料函确保较长的填料使用寿命。Stuffing box is deep, assuring long packing life.

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还对这些消息进行了加密,确保了消息的机密性。The messages are also encrypted, assuring confidentiality.

代码的覆盖度量是保证白盒测试的充分性的主要准则。Coverage metrics is the main criteria assuring the integrality of white-box test.

该系统保证了车身开发中CIMS的信息集成。This system assuring the integration of CIMS information in autobody development.

发动机罩在保证整体强度和刚度的前提下,造型美观大方。The engine hood shows elegant profile while assuring overall strength and rigidity.

花洒、水龙头洗脸盆买的都是品质有保证的品牌。The flower is aspersed , what faucet lavatory buys is character has assuring brand.

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由此能够包管明施的本钱效益,并缩短上市时候。Can assure assuring cost effectiveness from this, shorten appear on the market time.

调查中途,他努力使我相信“只剩下最后一个问题了”。Halfway through the survey, he began assuring me there was only “one last question”.

赛后发言中,这位中场球员对媒体做出了更加坚决肯定的表态。Speaking after the game, the midfield battler gave some assuring words to the press.

已经对这些消息进行了签名并添加了时间戳,确保了数据的一致性和正确性。The messages are signed and time-stamped, assuring that data is consistent and correct.

要定期清除过滤网前和阀内的污物,保证疏水阀正常工作。Periodically service and clear dirt on screen and internal valve, assuring nominal working.

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但是这个方案在周日无疾而终,导致雷曼只能被迫停业。But that plan fell apart on Sunday, all but assuring that Lehman would be forced to liquidate.

神从来不叫我们停在一个地方,而不给我们祂的同在和日常的供给的。God never keeps us at post without assuring us of His presence, and sending us daily supplies.

确保规定的路堤密度有两种不同的基本控制步骤。There are two basically different control procedures for assuring a specified embankment density.

大约一分钟后,盖茨才向紧张的听众保证,这些蚊子不带疟疾病毒。Gates then waited a minute or so before assuring the audience the freed insects were malaria-free.

谁能反对让每个人的一票与其他人的票得到同等相待呢?Who could object to assuring every person that his or her vote counted equally with those of others?

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第二天,彼得和希瓦卜林摆脱了人们的监视,进行了决斗。Assuring themselves that they were not watched, Shvabrin and Peter fought their duel the following day.

从进化角度来看,恐惧在保证我们作为一个物种生存下来的方面起来非常重要的作用。From an evolutionary perspective, fear served a valuable purpose in assuring our survival as a species.

图书馆室内充满灯光,空间布置灵活多样。The building interior is spacious with zenithal illumination, assuring great flexibility in the layout.