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这完全不卫生,而且会违反规定!It's completely unsanitary and probably against the rules!

不要在带回它们来的时候里面还残留着苏打水,这不卫生,而且让人厌恶。Leaving soda inside is unsanitary and we find it disgusting.

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“命运”就是一句屁话,不要整天把它挂在嘴边,不卫生。Destiny" is a nonsense, do not talk about it all day, unsanitary."

那麽,认为纸张不卫生而感到恶心的顾客呢?What about squeamish customers who might consider the paper unsanitary?

郊区的水呈现红色无疑说明了存在不卫生的情况。The reddish colour of suburban water by no means suggests unsanitary conditions.

北野武藏在俘虏中如获至宝的发现了王师北。Kitano hidden in captive discovered king unsanitary environment in north division.

我们很喜欢狄更斯,但我们是否会喜欢接近他那个时代的不健康、不卫生的样子呢?Yes, we love Dickens but do we love this unsanitary looking resemblance of his century?

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在中世纪,不卫生的都市情况倾向了人口消灭的流行病爆发。In the Middle Ages, unsanitary urban conditions favoured the outbreak of population-decimating epidemics.

工厂化养殖的动物在不干净的环境中进行填鸭式喂养,这种环境让它们饱受痛苦,并且经常患病。Factory-farmed animals are crammed together in unsanitary conditions, where they suffer and are often sick.

他指出了长期的过度拥挤、不卫生的牢房、肮脏的厕所、破败的浴室还有扔在地上的床垫等问题。He pointed to chronic overcrowding, unsanitary cells, dirty lavatories, broken showers and mattresses on the ground.

这归因于不受约束但是却极端不卫生的收集农村地区被污染血液的血库。This is due to the unrestrained and extremely unsanitary blood banks that receive contaminated blood from rural areas.

把奶油直接挤到你的嘴里。它非常的美味但是确实是不卫生,但那又能怎么样呢?你喜欢。Shoot whip cream right in to your mouth. It's delicious and completely unsanitary , but what can you say? You loved it.

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不卫生的性器官不仅可能让伴侣感到恶心,同时也极易感染细菌类传染病。Unsanitary sexual partners are not only likely to nausea, but also easy to infectious diseases like bacterial infection.

非典流行给我们的教训之一就是我们必须革除不卫生的习惯,过文明健康的生活。One of the lessons taught by SARS is that we must get rid of those unsanitary habits and live a civilized and healthy life.

某NGO一月份报告了某改造中心不卫生的条件、拥挤的犯人以及流行病引起的高死亡率。An NGO reported in January unsanitary conditions, crowding of inmates, and high death rates caused by epidemics in a reeducation center.

一次性喷头如棉花球和棉花喷头提供了防止不卫生的抽样程序。Disposable applicators such as cotton balls and cotton applicators are made available to protect against unsanitary sampling procedures.

但是,灾民们摩肩擦背生活在一起,生活条件原始而不卫生,引发了对于疫情的广泛担心。But the primitive and unsanitary conditions in which the displaced people are living cheek by jowl in the open air have raised concerns of disease.

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如果没有这些检查,消费者一般不会去新的餐馆,因为会担心有不卫生的情况并因此得病。In their absence a consumer could not just drop in on a new restaurant with confidence that he would not get sick because of unsanitary conditions.

最近注意到,霍乱的重新出现与生活在不卫生条件下的弱势群体人数的日益增加并驾齐驱。Recently, the re-emergence of cholera has been noted in parallel with the ever-increasing size of vulnerable populations living in unsanitary conditions.

城市人满为患,卫生条件恶劣,也为一些众所周知的疾病,例如黄热病和登革热的爆炸性流行创造了理想条件。Urban crowding under unsanitary conditions also creates ideal conditions for explosive epidemics of well-known diseases, such as yellow fever and dengue.