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我时时刻刻都想着你。I think of you constantly.

我时时刻刻都想着你。I think of you constantly.

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他总是不断反省是否言行合理。He's constantly rationalizing.

它不断给竞争者我们。It constantly outdistances us.

她经常在练习。She practises very constantly.

主顾常临。Customers constantly make calls.

时常回顾你的决心。Review your resolution constantly.

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事实上,我们不断看到此类事情。In fact, we're seeing it constantly.

他总是丢三拉四。He is constantly leaving things about.

我在十来岁时坚持节食。And as a teenager, I dieted constantly.

也曾不断地告戒自己。Once constantly warned oneself as well.

她的奉献精神总是让我震惊。Her dedication constantly astonishes me.

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牛仔竞技秀的动物经常在运送途中。Rodeo animals are constantly in transit.

他们在不断地提出禁酒。They are constantly crusading against '.

我们要不断的祝福他人。We have to bless one another constantly.

所有的男人都是忠贞不渝。All the men that are constantly drooling.

他经常贴广告雇佣人手。He constantly advertised for hired hands.

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我的美术总是丢三落四。My secretary is constantly losing things.

他不断受到头痛的折磨。He was constantly tormented with headache.

他们做的是不断地吃和大便。All they do is eat constantly and defecate.