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别忘了,我的继母又是我的继女。stepmother is my stepdaughter.

所以我的继女现在就是我的继母。So my stepdaughter is now my stepmother.

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亨利被指控虐待他的继女。Henry was accused of abusing his stepdaughter.

继父用狗的电子项圈电击继女。Man allegedly shocks stepdaughter with dog collar.

别忘了我的继母正是我的继女。Don't forget that my stepmother is my stepdaughter.

别忘了,我的继母又是我的继女。Don’t forget that my stepmother is my stepdaughter.

那个女人因为虐待继女而受到审判。The woman was on trial for abusing her stepdaughter.

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他很久以前就对继女会活着回来失去了希望。Probyn said he had long lost hope that they would ever see his stepdaughter alive.

所以正如我告诉你们的,当我的继女嫁给了我爸爸,她立刻就成了我的继母。So as I told you, when my stepdaughter married my dad, she was at once, my stepmother.

她的努力有了终极的回报,因为她的继女将休闲裤配板鞋向她叫“母亲”了。Her efforts have finally paid off because her stepdaughter is now willing to call her "Mom".

在很多年前当我的公公把这本书买给我的继女的同时,也把这本书介绍给了我。My father-in-law introduced this book to me when he purchased it for my stepdaughter many moons ago.

内心充满着嫉妒和邪恶的皇后企图杀死她漂亮的继女,那位被认为比她更美丽的白雪公主。A jealous and wicked queen attempts to kill her beautiful stepdaughter who is deemed "fairer" than the queen.

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安迪打破了一个叫卢斯特的家伙的鼻子,那家伙是个粗壮的农夫,因为打死继女而被关进牢中。He broke the nose of a fellow named Rooster MacBride, a heavy-gutted farmer who was in for beating his stepdaughter to death.

邦德影片的成功使康纳利得以把妻子,儿子贾森,和他的继女搬进城里俯瞰伦敦阿克顿公园的居所。The Bond pictures’ success permitted Connery to move his wife, their son, Jason, and his stepdaughter into a town house overlooking London’s Acton Park.

皇后是白雪公主的继母。为人冷酷无情而且极爱虚荣。好嫉恨每一个比她美丽的人。因此,她总是用愤怒及妒忌的眼光看着白雪公主。Her stepmother, then Queen, was cruel and vain. She hated anyone whose beauty rivaled her own, and she watched her stepdaughter with angry, jealous eyes.

那个继母在扇她继女的耳光,这个继母应该被扔进监狱,她的继女那么的漂亮和乖巧,为什么她就不喜欢她呢?The stepmother is slapping her stepdaughter in the face. The stepmother should be put into jail. Her stepdaughter is beautiful and cute. Why doesn’t she like her?

在麦卡伦,得克萨斯州的警方已经逮捕涉嫌杀害其2岁继女的男子,因为她在上周六美国对加纳的世界杯比赛一直在哭泣。Police in McAllen, Texas, have arrested a man for allegedly killing his 2-year-old stepdaughter because she kept crying during the U.S.-Ghana World Cup game on Saturday.

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事情发生在肯塔基州杰克逊市,两名受害者的亲人声称,这周六,一名男子因不满妻子煎鸡蛋的方式,将其杀害,同样遭其毒手的还有他的继女和三个目击者,最后他也吞弹自杀。how his wife cooked his eggs shot and killed her, his stepdaughter and three witnesses with a shotgun before killing himself on Saturday, a relative of two of the victims said.

为了支付即将出生的孩子的费用,桑托斯希望10岁的继女放学后可以自己回家,把孩子放学后由人送回家的费用省下来。To help pay the costs for the new baby, Santos is hoping his 10-year-old stepdaughter will soon be able to get herself home from school and therefore won't need paid after-care service.