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爱是坚不可摧的。Love is indestructible.

我觉得坚不可摧,觉得自由。I felt indestructible and free.

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丑类无敌的汽车杀手。Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer.

迷信家们都深信,一共的物质都是不灭的。Scientists are confident thin matter is indestructible.

你想我吗?你不知道我是打不倒的吗?Did you think I was, didn't you know I'm indestructible?

科学家们都深信,所有的物质都是不灭的。Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible.

如来的身体是金刚体,牢不可破。The body of the Tathagata is adamantine and indestructible.

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感受你内在的这股不可毁灭的力量,它永远存在。Feel the indestructible force within you, it is there forever.

他应该说,灵魂是不可摧毁的,句号。He should have just said the soul is indestructible. Full stop.

鹰妖说,如果我们一起生活的够久的话,我会变得坚不可摧。The harpy said if I lived with her long enough I'd become indestructible.

这些瓷片必须是无法摧毁的,才能抵挡高速的摩擦。These tiles must be virtually indestructible against high-speed friction.

Labovitz先生说,互联网并不像人们想象的坚不可摧。Mr. Labovitz says the Internet is not as indestructible as people might think.

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尽管出生顺序影响的理论似乎是很坚固,但它并非无懈可击。The birth-order effect, for all its seeming robustness, is not indestructible.

对于苛刻的温度、酸和湿度,胶木几乎坚不可摧。Impervious to temperature, acids and moisture, Bakelite was nearly indestructible.

美国军方并未复制狐狼的坚不可摧的骨骼以及自由伸缩的利爪。The military didn't replicate Wolverine's indestructible skeleton and retractable claws.

他已学会如何在自我存在的深层体认识阿特曼--永恒不坏,与宇宙合一。He already knew to feel Atman in the depths of his being, indestructible , one with the universe.

但是苏格拉底实际上说的是,他实际的结论是,所以灵魂几乎不可摧毁。But what Socrates actually says is his actual conclusion is so the soul is indestructible or nearly so.

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这些是,他的模型的一些内容,物质是有原子组成的,不可分割且不可毁灭的。These are the planks of his model, that matter is composed of atoms that are indivisible and indestructible.

一种大自然赐予的柔软而强健的玩物,专供人在家里诸事不顺的时候踢上两脚。A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.

这个故事,讲述了坚不可摧的精神和永不停歇的对生存激情的寻求。A story that speaks of the indestructible spirit and thee ternal search of inspiration that enables survival.