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冷静,怀疑。Cool, suspicious.

对此,我表示怀疑。Already I’m suspicious.

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我保证帕特怀疑了。I'm sure Pat was suspicious.

一艘行迹可疑的船向我们驶来。A suspicious boat made up to us.

你何必多疑?Why should you be so suspicious?

这场火灾起因可疑。The fire is of suspicious origin.

雨果先生丝毫没有起疑心。Mr. Hugo wasn’t suspicious at all.

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她更容易起疑心。She is more likely to be suspicious.

真诚的友谊是不多心的。Sincere friendship is not suspicious.

他们的注意力“集中”在那个可疑分子身上。They zeroed in on the suspicious man.

她用怀疑的眼神评估着他。She appraised him with a suspicious eye.

我只不过总是对陌生人心存芥蒂。I'm just always suspicious of new people.

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企业并购交易越多,可疑的股票涨落现象也随之增加More mergers, more suspicious stock moves

对他的意图我有几分怀疑。I'm somewhat suspicious of his intentions.

可能也是我多心的原因吧。May also be the reason I am suspicious now.

在他看来,他们这些人都显得很可疑。To him, almost all of them looked suspicious.

他们感到对于自己事事都是敌对的,可疑的。For them everything is hostile and suspicious.

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从这些话可看出阿米莉亚起了疑心。These words showed that Amelia was suspicious.

表面上看,这件事情确实显得可疑。On the surface, it must have looked suspicious.

这种怀疑是监管机构的本能。It is the nature of regulators to be suspicious.