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无性无爱的婚姻里,男人更喜欢工作?Sexless and loveless marriages where men prefer to be at work?

另一位朋友说,他们的婚姻已堕落为一只“没有爱的绣花枕头”。Another said the marriage had been reduced to a " loveless sham".

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我确信他会有许多,他曾是一个极不快乐的孩子,得不到爱,孤独寂寞。He has many , I'm sure, he was a desperately unhappy child, loveless and alone.

传言最高法院至少有四位法官自己就生活在无爱婚姻中。At least four of the justices are rumored to be in loveless marriages themselves.

他对这段没有感情的婚姻已经麻木,当作是为自己所得付出的代价。He stolidly accepted his loveless marriage as the price he must pay for his gains.

另外,调查发现,超过一半的男性认为自己的婚姻“无爱”。The survey also found more than half of husbands thought their marriage was "loveless".

她似乎陷入了爱情与婚姻,而寒冷和遥远的富豪丈夫。She seems caught in a loveless marriage with a rather cold and distant plutocratic husband.

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是的。明州各地接到一些无爱夫妻遭到骚扰的报告。That is right. There have been reports from around the state of loveless couples suffering harassment.

奥利维亚,这可真是一个意外,因为明尼苏达州历来被认为是无爱夫妻向往的圣地。Olivia, this is a real surprise since Minnesota has long been considered a real Mecca for loveless couples.

为了摆脱孤独,建立某种安宁的关系,雨子委身于无爱的婚姻。In order to get rid of solitude and establish some peaceful relationship, Yuzi had to succumb to her loveless marriage.

这也许是因为在美国离婚操作起来更方便,导致很少一部分人会陷入无爱婚姻。This may be because the readier availability of divorce in America has left fewer people trapped in loveless marriages.

如同莱斯特和卡罗林之间无爱婚姻的存在,没有人愿意突破这种怪圈。Loveless marriages like Lester and Carolyn's exist because neither partner possesses the willingness to break the cycle.

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被困在一个无情婚姻中的安娜。卡列尼娜禁不住诱惑,与英俊的渥伦斯基开始了危险的恋情。Trapped in a loveless marriage, Anna Karenina succumbs to temptation and embarks on a dangerous affair with the handsome Vronsky.

但是,即使这项法案在明州通过,无爱婚姻活动分子肯定会设法把该法案提交到最高法院前要求废除。But even if the Minnesota law passes loveless marriage activists will almost certainly try to bring this before the Supreme Court.

被困在一个无情婚姻中的安娜·卡列尼娜禁不住诱惑,与英俊的渥伦斯基开始了危险的恋情。Trapped din a loveless marriage, Anna Karenina succumbs to temptation and embarks on a dangerous affair with the handsome Vronsky.

唯一的不愉快仅发生在这位不受人欢迎的白人女性身上,她在故事中被表述成了一个没有爱心的坏人。All the nastiness is projected outward onto the unpleasant blonde, who conveniently serves as the mean loveless villain of the story.

没错,这项法案在最高法院有可能会面临许多反对势力。传言最高法院至少有四位法官自己就生活在无爱婚姻中。Right, and there it could face a lot of opposition. At least four of the justices are rumored to be in loveless marriages themselves.

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我们常常把疗养院的大门想象成生命的终点——没有爱,只有孤独,已经徘徊而来的死亡。All too often we imagine that life seems to end at the nursing home door — that it is loveless and lonely, with death hovering close by.

回头看看,我知道是早年的孤独感和缺乏爱让我从我所做的事情中得到了满足。I look back and see that the satisfaction I get now from doing what I do has come about as a result of a lonely and loveless start in life.

他体味着生活中那份悲哀的孤独——囚禁在无爱的婚姻中,妻子齐娜冷漠寡言,只在乎自己的病情。He feels the sad loneliness of his life, locked in a loveless marriage to Zeena, a cold, silent woman, whose only interest is her own ill health.