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梅沙而第被公认为是一个特别的地方。Mesa Verde is recognized as a special place.

我要一张靠窗的桌子。Me gustaria tener una mesa junto a la ventana.

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西班牙探险者已经给这一片地区取名为梅萨维德。They were up on Mesa Verde. Spanish explorers had named the area.

门槛、橱柜台面、室外地面就适合使用花岗石。The mesa of doorsill, ambry , ground outdoor suits to use granite.

看起来像是巨大的绿色桌面,这就是梅沙而第在西班牙语里的意思。It looks like a huge green table, which is "mesa verde" in Spanish.

今天,从远处看,梅沙而第像数世纪以前一样。Today, from a distance, Mesa Verde appears as it did centuries ago.

现在,从远处看,梅萨维德仍然与数百年前一样,它距峡谷底部540米。Today, from a distance, Mesa Verde appears as it did centuries ago.

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传统的卫浴洗手盆,习惯嵌入台面下。The traditional lavabo that defend bath, the habit embeds mesa falls.

游客可以开车沿着顶风的山路来到梅萨维德的顶部。Visitors can drive up to the top of Mesa Verde on a winding mountain road.

这要得益于Mesa和GEM内存管理的改进。This is thanks to improvements within Mesa and its GEM memory management, etc.

因此,平顶山有必要实施可持续发展战略。Accordingly, mesa is necessary to carry out can develop the strategy continuously.

本文提出了一种制作HBT采用的垂直台面结构自对准工艺。HBT self-aligned technology with a perpendicular side-wall mesa has been proposed.

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云杉树屋是梅沙而第国家公园的第三大悬崖窑洞。Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park.

绝壁宫殿是梅沙而第和北美最大的悬崖窑洞。Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and also in North America.

沿路都是杜松和矮松,这些树让梅沙而第绿意盎然。Also along the path are the juniper and pinon pine trees that make Mesa Verde green.

近几年,观察者报告说,看到有游隼在那块平台上空高高地旋飞。In recent years, observers have reported seeing peregrines circling high above the mesa.

石英石台面色彩多样,每一款都具有不同的特色拥有同样高端的品质。Quartz stone mesa colors, each with different characteristics have the same high quality.

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在复活节前的这一周里,魅莎将为您精心烘焙传统新鲜的热十字面包。For the week before to Easter, mesa will be busy baking fresh, traditional Hot Cross Buns.

很多人被从梅沙而第转移的大量物品所震惊。Many people were shocked by the continuing removal of objects from the ruins at Mesa Verde.

现在,到梅萨维德的游客能够看到这四种住房所留下的遗迹。Today, visitors to Mesa Verde can see some of the remains of all four kinds of settlements.