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他说他的判决基于这样一种信念,没有穆斯林应该接受或协助非穆斯林侵略者。He says his fatwa is based on the belief that no Muslim should accept or assist a non-Muslim occupier.

在苏格兰的法律中,土地的所有者或占有者有权阻止任何陌生人侵犯他的土地。By the law of Scotland a proprietor or occupier is entitled to prevent any stranger from intruding on his land.

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无论对于投资者还是买房自住者,现阶段所购得的物业都有一定增值空间。Whether for investors or owner- occupier housing, acquired the property at this stage have a certain value-added space.

另外,2003年房价的飞速上涨,在一定程度上也让一部分购房自住者望房兴叹。Furthermore, the rapid increase in prices in 2003, also to a certain extent part of the purchase owner- occupier at the Housing helplessly.

礼节。在进入私人土地之前,应得到土地所有者或是居住者的同意。保持行走于路径上,并且妥善地关闭大门。COURTESY. Always get the permission of the land owner or occupier before entering on private property. Keep to paths and shut gate properly.

叙述了国外AHF大规模装置主要特点及主要AHF技术拥有者采用的主要技术,对照了原料消耗与质量情况。Properties of large-scale AHF equipments and main technologies of the AH F technology occupier are reviewed, material consumption and quality are compared.

萨拉丁继承的法蒂玛王朝仍如当年沙瓦尔统治时般一点都不稳定,而他还面临身为外国占领者这一额外挑战。The Fatimid State he inherited was every bit as unstable as the one Shawar had seized, but Saladin faced the additional challenge of being of foreign occupier.

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奥斯陆和平进程把巴勒斯坦人的革命事业改变成一种因从占领者那儿获得利益而沾沾自喜的腐败买办阶级。Additionally, the Oslo process has transformed the Palestinian revolutionary project into a corrupted comprador class that enjoys some benefits from the occupier.

由于本国民众通常会联合起来抵抗外来侵略,坚持与外来侵略者作斗争,因此单民族国家很难被征服。Nation-states are hard to conquer and subdue, because the local population will usually resist outside invasion and continue to struggle against a foreign occupier.

售后服务体系逐步完善,产品市场占有率稳步上升,东华达已发展成为同类产品中杰出品牌的占领者。With after-sale service being gradually perfected and product market share being stably increased, Dongdahua has already been developed into the outstanding brand occupier in the same sector.

这个可定制的书柜兼书椅看上去很棒,然而我想它不能负重太多书或是过重的主人,防止它被压翻。This customizable bookcase cum book seat looks good, however, I think should not be overburdened either with books or with overweight occupier of the chair to avoid the Bookseat from tumbling over.