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当我第一次向你唱出我的歌谣。When I first sing my ballad for you.

这是张敬轩写的一首很优美动听的歌曲。A beautiful ballad written by Hins Cheung.

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这是一首极为伤感的浪漫小曲。This is a romantic ballad that is pure corn.

仿佛某个民谣歌手己把它全部唱完。As though some ballad singer had sung it all.

这首诗有民歌风味。This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad.

山歌是右江地区群众最为喜爱的艺术形式。Ballad is a favorite art for people in Youjiang area.

这位音乐家把传说编成了一首美丽的民谣。The musician made the legend into a beautiful ballad.

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这是张敬轩为关智斌写的一首很优美动听的歌曲。A beautiful ballad written by Hins Cheung for Kenny Kwan.

那是一对一直与民谣相关的恋人。And it's a ballad lovers have been relating to ever since.

尽管有些高音,这首充满力量的民歌是经久不衰的金曲。Despite some high notes, this power ballad is a perennial favorite.

角落的休闲酒吧传出由西纳特拉演唱的西班牙爱情民谣,歌声回荡在四周。A Sinatra love ballad sung in Spanish echoes from a corner dive bar.

在此基础上,乐器与歌诗的联系更加紧密了。The art of musical and ballad poetry developed into further prosperity.

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这首80年代的强力情歌大错特错了。实际上。爱情或许能让你免受伤痛。That ’80s power ballad had it all wrong. Love may keep you from hurting.

困扰尤赖亚希普从魔术师的生日1972年的专辑的民谣。Haunting ballad by Uriah Heep from the 1972 album The Magician's Birthday.

劳动歌是由体力劳动直接激发起来的最古老的歌谣。The labor song is the oldest ballad directly originating from physical labor.

因此其评书说演在听觉上,更有一种铿锵崎岖的声韵美感。That ballad Thus the ballad, said in hearing is more a feeling of rolling steel.

罗平布依族丧葬歌谣具有特定的文化价值。There are specific cultural values in Bouyei's funeral ballad of Luoping County.

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我知道他们拥有不只一种演唱风格,他们可以演奏摇滚乐,情感民歌,流行音乐。I realized they use more than one style , they can do rock , love ballad and pop-rock.

所以谶谣是对唐代社会具有广泛影响的文化现象。So the augury ballad became a social culture phenomenon which had extensive influence.

东方女儿红〉相较之下,则是一首有关根与种的小调。Others' Daughters, on the other hand, can be described as a ballad about root and seed.