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暗色基调上闪耀着银色。Shimmery silver with a dark base.

闪亮草绿色带一点黄调。Bright shimmery grass green with a hint of yellow.

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不透明锈褐色基调上闪耀着深金色。Shimmery deep gold, with an opaque rusty brown base.

当黄金的太大胆,让闪闪银带路。When gold's too bold, let shimmery silver lead the way.

闪闪发光的铜色,像五月的篝火般闪耀。Sparkly copper, shimmery and flashy like a bonfire in May.

淡淡的一层铜棕色或是闪光的过渡色也可以营造出柔和的感觉。or other shimmery transparent color for a gentle hint of color.

我指着那些在黑天鹅绒底座上微微发光的石头。I pointed to a handful of shimmery rocks spread on black velvet.

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突出与是一些片树荫打火机的一个微微发亮产品。Highlighting with a shimmery product that is a few shades lighter.

在我上面,只有微亮的光,而那正是我来的地方。Above me, there's nothing but shimmery light. the place where I've come from.

柔和闪亮的金色,光照时带绿色虹光。Soft shimmery semi-sheer gold with a green iridescence when the light hits it.

或者轻微低调些,像蕾哈娜一样在七分外套下穿件发亮的小背心。For a more understated look try a shimmery tank under a cropped jacket a la Rihanna.

或者稍微低调些,像蕾哈娜一样在七分外套下穿件发亮的小背心。For a more understated look, try a shimmery tank under a cropped jacket a la Rihanna.

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用四产生不可抵抗的唇新绝对的,艺术之性质平滑的唇光泽的微微发亮色度!Create irresistible lips with four new sheer, shimmery shades of Artistry Glossy Lip Shine!

一件光耀夺目的单品,比如一个手包,或者卡米拉。贝尔这件迷你短裙,能够在瞬间提亮你的装扮。One shimmery piece, like a clutch or Camilla Belle 's mini, dresses up any look in seconds.

让你的眼睛看起来更大,在眼窝处打上较深的眼影颜色,在眉骨处则打上微微闪光的颜色。To make yours look larger, blend darker shadow colors in the crease and lighter, shimmery ones on the brow bone.

她耀眼的光亮肤色,玫瑰红色的腮红,以及微微发亮的粉红色唇彩所呈现的是一个完完全全的赛琳娜。She highlights her luminous skin with rosy blush and shimmery pink gloss for an effect that is completely Selena.

当眼睛逐渐适应了周围的黑暗环境,我环视四周希望能在地上发现一些闪光的石头,入目却是满眼的灰尘。Once my eyes got used to the dim, I gazed around, hoping to see shimmery rocks littering the floor, but dust was all I saw.

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为了驱散阴沉的天气,人们希望2009年春季能带来一些生气与活力。下面是一些名流会聚的时尚活动。As an antidote to a gloomy climate, expect spring 2009 to usher in sparkle and pizzazz. Here are some shimmery looks seen recently on celebrities and the runways alike.

晶莹剔透金黄色,随光线变化可从柔和粉红到金黄绿色这款颜色比其他颜色有更多微妙的变化。Shimmery gold with a highlight that goes from soft pink to golden green depending on the light. This shade has a more subtle colour change than the others, but is beautiful nonetheless.