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我想让客厅更具亲切感。I want to personalize this livingroom.

我们不想把问题搞得个人化了。We don't want to personalize the issue.

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个性化空缺职位详细描述文本。Personalize Open Positions Long Descr Text.

您可以在这里对新的仪表板进行个性化设置。This is where you can personalize your new dashboard.

个性化颜色选择,腰带以及配饰。Personalize with color options, sashes and accessories.

让每一条信息个性化,注意回复率的变化。Personalize each message and watch response rates climb.

用户可以个性化他们的经验与安东尼奥班德拉斯。The users can personalize their experience with Antonio Banderas.

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他们也在考虑提供个性化考试来减少作弊。They are considering ways to personalize the exams to minimize cheating.

个性化,通过改变克里斯特尔在你最喜欢的颜色光剑。Personalize the lightsaber in your favorite color by changing the chrystal.

与其别被你的工作环境所束缚,为何不将其装扮的个性化些?Instead of feeling trapped by your work environment, why not personalize it?

你可以在选项窗口的“本地”标签里设置个性化的祝词。You can personalize this greeting in the Local tab of the preferences window.

我们当然乐意个性化我们的文字,正如我们乐意抚平奶奶脸上的皱纹一样。As for us, we would as lief Simonize our grandmother as personalize our writing.

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内容资源描述您想个性化的内容的属性。The content resources describe attributes of the content that you want to personalize.

要想改变外观的话就在桌面空白处右击然后选择个性化。To change the appearanceright click an empty area on the desktop and select Personalize.

你如何利用社会媒体与潜在的支持者间建立起个人联系?How have you used social media to personalize your interactions with potential supporters?

在本文中,您了解了可以如何使用主题对您的业务空间进行个性化。In this article, you've learned how you can personalize your business spaces using themes.

你任意选择10位男士或者女士,给他们写信并想方设法地将标题个性化。You handpick 10 men or women to write to and take the time to personalize the subject line.

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现在,可以开始修改新样式表和属性文件来实现网站个性化了。You can now start modifying the new stylesheet and properties files to personalize the site.

你想让你的用户不用构建或者甚至客户化解决方案,就能个性化它们。You want your user to be able to personalize solutions, not to build or even customize them.

从月历上撕下一页,将那个特殊的日子画圈来让你的礼物更有个性。Personalize a birthday present by taking a page from that month and circling the special day.