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小女孩格格地笑了起来。The little girl burbled with mirth.

生而不乐,灯里无油。Life without mirth is a lamp without oil.

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一分欢乐抵千愁。一分欢乐抵千愁。A cent of mirth is worth a dollar of grief.

因悲哀的旧世界须借贷欢笑For the sad old earth must borrow it's mirth

舞蹈、恋歌和灼热的欢乐!Dance and provencal song and sunburnt mirth !

默里·皮克的干笑里没有一点快乐。Murray Pick's hollow laugh had no mirth in it.

殡葬带有欢乐而结婚奏唱悼歌。With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage.

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我朝着太阳爬升,一起与阳光裁出Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

白秀笑声如铃,“没有招惹?Didn't "white show the mirth is like alarm, " provoke?

他会带着欢笑和真挚要求巨额索赔。He makes grandiose claims with a mixture of mirth and sincerity.

聚会进行时,你能听到屋里传出来的欢声笑语。As the party went on,you could hear the mirth coming from the house.

我把我的事告诉他们以后,他们全都咯咯地笑了。When I told them what had happened to me, they all chortled with mirth.

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库尔德粗野地跟别人招手,眼神中充满了美酒与欢乐。He gesticulated wildly to someone unseen, his eyes full of wine and mirth.

这件事引起了客人们的欢笑,可是哈丽特姑妈却着实吓了一跳。Though this caused great mirth among the guests,Aunt Harriet was horrified.

那是他自身的愉快,而没有热恋她的迫切愿望。The mirth was something of his own and he had no love burning for her there.

笑得少的原因之一可能是大家普遍缺乏讲笑话的技巧。One reason for the decline in mirth might be the lack of joke-telling skills.

这时只要摔倒事件建立了一个发笑框架,发笑就不可避免了。Provided that the fall event establishes a play frame, mirth will likely ensue.

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蓝寺雪差点闷笑出声,险险的忍住了。Blue temple snow about stuffy crash into mirth voice, warranty insurance of endure.

也许正是出于这个原因,他才倍加向往欢乐和希望之事。It was for this very reason perhaps that he ever recommended mirth and hopefulness.

叶少宁正在看菜单,听到笑声闭了下眼。The leaf is little to rather be seeing menu, listen the mirth shutting the afterward eye.