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这一地区性集团已土崩瓦解。This regional bloc has fallen apart.

并且朝着政治联盟方向发展。And increasingly important political bloc.

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南斯拉夫是东欧集团的成员之一。which is located in eastern European bloc.

包括打击歌曲“夜宴”的派对带。Includes the hit song "Banquet" by Bloc Party band.

该政客企图煽起每个主要的裑偌诺牟宦?。The politician tried to disaffect every major voting bloc.

该政客企图煽起每个主要的选举集团的不满。The politician tried to disaffect every major voting bloc.

前苏联地区的情况比任何其它地区都更严重。Nowhere has this been more extreme than in the ex-Soviet bloc.

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他说他的国家不和任何军事集团发生关系。He said his country would not associate itself with any power bloc.

拥有五亿六千万人口的东盟贸易区也存在大量消费者。With 560m people, the ASEAN trade bloc also offers a big population.

然而,东方阵营也有自己生产的警用防暴车辆。However, the Eastern Bloc had its own line-up of riot police vehicles.

所有病例均行整块半关节突全椎板切除术。All cases were treated with en bloc hemi-articular process laminectomy.

相反,它将成为欧洲最大亲美票源集团的中心。Instead, it will be at the center of the largest voting bloc in Europe.

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欧盟25国集团是巴勒斯坦最大的援助者。The 25-nation European bloc is the biggest donor of aid to the Palestinians.

魁北克人党的医疗卫生评论家也对此项决定感到不满。The Bloc Quebecois's associate health critic was also unhappy with the decision.

布加勒斯特在齐奥塞斯库统治的最后几年,是苏联集团最黑暗的一个首都。Bucharest in the final Ceausescu years was the darkest capital of the Soviet bloc.

如果南部纺织集团能确保34个参议院票数,它可以否决这个条约。If the Southern textile bloc can sew up 34 Senate votes, it can defeat the treaty.

小岛屿国家联盟由42个主要位于太平洋与加勒比海的岛国和海岸国家组成。Aosis is a bloc of 42 island and coastal states mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean

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只要在阿邦部署几个布拉莫斯-3导弹兵团,中国就会保持沉默了。Just deploy a few Regiments of Brahmos Bloc 3 missiles in Arunachal and keep quiet.

华沙公约的成立是用来对抗资本阵营所成立的北大西洋公约组织的。The Warsaw Pact was formed to counterbalance the NATO formed by the capitalist bloc.

企业集团是企业横向经济联合的高级形式。The bloc of enterprises is the advanced form of the horizontal economic cooperation.