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归还下放权力的整个过程,方于2010年完成。The full process of restoring devolution was only completed in 2010.

自此,一代代暨南人薪火相传,奋斗不息。From that time on, generation and YiNan person torch devolution , struggle not an interest.

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中国的经济改革始于放权,尤其是对地区的放权。China started its reforms with the devolution of central power, especially regional decentralization.

尼泊尔国大党,第三大主要政党,则致力于一个英国会议似的议会体制,希望权力不那么分散。The Nepali Congress, the third main party, advocates a Westminster-style parliamentary system, and less devolution.

因此,公投正迫使苏格兰民族党对联合王国作出让步,同时敦促统一派政党进一步下放权力。So the referendum is forcing the SNP to make concessions to the union, while pushing unionists towards further devolution.

开发者还说是为了使直读更小而采用了4层线路板。The developers of the modchip also say that they have made the PSP- Devolution modchip smaller by using 4 layer technology.

这种冲击自下而上是权力下放的需要,自上而下是超国家的联邦,就像欧盟和北美自由贸易协议。It is attacked from below by demands for devolution and from above by supranational confederations, such as the EU and NAFTA.

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相传战国时魏国曾经挖出过一块毒玉,但究竟后来怎么样,没人知道。Wei's country for devolution to fights country once dug over a piece of poison jade, but how actually afterwards, the nobody knew.

权力下放在保证人数众多民族权益的同时也能顾全好各少数民族的利益。This devolution of power will protect the interests of the smaller ethnic groups while assuring accountability for the larger ones.

这个进程包括把经济大权下放给超过30个省,培育了一种无法无天联邦制度。Part of this process involved the radical devolution of economic power to over 30 provinces, fostering a kind of anarchic federalism.

后者的意思是把征税的权利下放给地方精英,那些人然后就随意从广大的百姓身上搜刮钱财。The latter meant the devolution of tax collection to local elites, who were then free to extort and bully payments from the wider population.

“倒退至贸易战——或更糟的状况那是历史模式,”他说,“但我认为现在不会出现这种情况,真的不会。”"Devolution into trade wars -- or worse -- would fit the template of history, " he said. "But I don't see that happening here, I really don't."

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政府认为,当12个城市明年举办是否选举市长的公投时,权力下放项目应该进一步加强。The devolution project would be further enhanced, the government believes, when 12 cities hold referendums next year on whether to elect mayors.

在神学的发展变化中,虽然费利克斯和他的父亲相比是更新的一支的产物,但是却缺少了父亲的牺牲精神,多了自私自利的特点。Felix, though an offshoot from a far more recent point in the devolution of theology than his father, was less self-sacrificing and disinterested.

交通运输的权力下放也能看到城市安排联合的公私交易,以便通过高速路线来连接彼此。The devolution of power over transport could also see cities arranging joint public-private deals to connect each other through high-speed rail lines.

正因为有了一代又一代“薪火相传”的努力,三僚才有后来崇隆的地位。Is positive because have effort of the generation and then the generation"torch devolution", three Liaos just have the position of Chong Long afterwards.

由于人力资源管理职能的分散化,直线经理和外包商开始承担起部分人力资源管理的责任。Due to devolution of human resource responsibilities to internal and external bodies, line managers and outsourcers begin to get involved in HR operations.

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仲夏日,格陵兰美丽的海滨首都努克,欢呼,游行,彩旗——这里的人们正在庆祝自己从丹麦那里获得了更多的自主权。THE crowds in Nuuk, Greenland's pretty coastal capital, marked the devolution of more powers from Denmark, on midsummer's day, with cheers, processions and flags.

这项立法的一个重要作用是,它将联邦高速公路基金及其相关权力从联邦和州政府工程专家手中下放到地方政界人士层面。Passage of ISTEA comprised an important element in the devolution of federal highway funds and authority from national and state engineering experts to local politicians.