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将肉在腌汁里浸一整夜。Let the meat marinate overnight.

腌制猪肉20分钟左右。Marinate pork for about 20 minutes.

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腌海鲜只能放在冰箱里。Marinate seafood in the fridge only.

请把这块肉浸泡在盐水中。Please marinate the meat in the brine.

我用了不同的调味料来腌猪肉片。I marinate the pork with different seasoning.

用啤酒代替酒腌肉。Use beer instead of wine to marinate your meat.

之后加入少许切碎的百里香,搅拌均匀。Add chopped thyme into the marinate and mix well.

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鸡用腌料腌1小时,间中反转。Marinate the chicken for 1 hour, turning occassionally.

鸡髀去骨,用腌料及露丝玛莉香草略腌。Bone chicken thigh. Marinate with marinade and rosemary.

将花椒盐擦匀鸭身内外,腌过夜。Rub Sichuan peppercorn onto duck. Marinate it overnight.

免治猪肉、方鱼碎及乾�拌匀,下腌料拌匀成馅料。Mix pork, dried fish and shallot. Marinate to make filling.

猪扒洗净,抹干水拍松,加腌料腌半小时。Wash, wipe and pound pork chops. Marinate for half an hour.

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可能要给点时间大家消化这话。I'll let a time just to marinate it little bit so that you can.

狗肚鱼洗净,去骨起肉,用腌料腌2小时。Rinse Bombay duck fish. Bone and marinate the flesh for 2 hours.

其实你只需要做个深呼吸,让你的思想好好沉静下来。Just take a long breath, and let your thoughts marinate for a bit.

下糖、盐及1汤匙生粉水略腌带子。Marinate the scallops with sugar, salt and 1 tbsp cornflour water.

在大碗中用盐胡椒XO酱腌吞拿鱼丁,放在一旁备用。Marinate tuna dices with some salt and XO sauce in a bowl. Set aside.

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将它与法式色拉调料一同放入一只带螺旋盖的罐中腌泡。Put it in a screw-top jar with French dressing and leave to marinate.

味噌能添加到汤或沙拉酱里面,或者用它来腌蔬菜。Add miso to soups or salad dressings, or use it to marinate vegetables.

火鸡肾去筋,切片,拌入调味料腌15分钟。Trim and slice turkey giblets. Mix in seasoning and marinate for 15 minutes.