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三色旗帜到处都是。The tricolor is everywhere.

你必须把三色关在你的房间里。You must shut Tricolor in your room.

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这就是一般的三色哥基。This is commonly referred to as a tricolor.

三色的意大利面对于孩子而言,不仅颜色明亮,而且色彩缤纷。Tricolor pastas are bright and colorful for kids.

三原色可以复合成各种色光。Tricolor can form all types of color by combination.

三色光栅是一种特殊的空间光调制器。Tricolor grating is a new type of spatial light modulator.

它的首要任务将印度的三色旗的卫星表面。Among its first tasks placing India's tricolor on the moons surface.

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最后探讨了光纤激光器实现三基色的可能性。Finally the possibility of achieving tricolor by fiber laser is discussed.

狂欢者们向空中开火,鼓掌,并舞动反对派的三色国旗。The revelers fired shots in the air, clapped and waved the rebels' tricolor flag.

在他旁边有他的两个朋友,他的狗阿曼,和他的猫三色。By his side were his two friends, his dog called Ar-men, and his cat called Tricolor.

生前老友们组成的仪仗队抬着棺木,上面盖了法国的三色旗。The tricolor French flag draped his coffin, carried by an honor guard of fellow veterans.

这是红色头部的三色冠军,头部有散落的黑色。This is a red-headed tricolor champion with some black sprinkled across the top of the skull.

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异常加厚是苋轴器官显著的解剖学特征。Anomalous thickening is chiefly remarkable anatomical peculiarity in the axis of Amaranthus tricolor.

几年前,在牧羊比赛中边境基本是黑白色或三色。A few years ago, all the Border Collies in a sheepdog trial would have been black and white or tricolor.

要提高PDP显示的性能,对PDP用的三基色荧光粉的研究是至关重要。In order to improve the function of PDP, we have to research tricolor phosphors for plasma display panel.

出殡那天人山人海,成殓他们的三口棺木上覆盖着新兴国家俄罗斯的三色国旗,新国歌在耳边奏响。Huge crowds glimpsed the three coffins, draped in the emerging nation's tricolor flag and honored by its new anthem.

大多数这样的餐馆里没有什么比门上的名字和挂在门外的三色旗更意大利的东西。"Most have nothing more Italian about them than the name above the door or a tricolor flag draped outside, " he said.

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研究铜处理苋菜幼苗生长受阻与光合作用的关系。The relationship between growth inhibition in Cu-treated Amaranthus tricolor L. seedlings and photosynthesis was studied.

素三彩,瓷器釉彩名,在未上釉的素胎上,施以绿、黄、茄紫三色而烧成。Prime three-color glazed porcelain name on unglazed prime tire, to impose green, yellow, eggplant purple tricolor and firing.

方法采用流式细胞术的三色分析法检测70例肺结核患者的DC1及DC2亚群。Methods Using tricolor analytic method of flows cytometry to examinate the DC1 and DC2 subgroup in 70 patients peripheral blood.