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运用视觉教具。Use visual aids.

山金车辅助循环。Arnica aids circulation.

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因此便有了爱滋病这个病名。Hence came the name Aids.

措辞谨慎可使意义清楚。Careful wording aids clearness.

有很多视觉辅具还是一点点?Lots of visual aids or only a few?

驾驶时须戴助听器。To wear hearing aids when driving.

谂艾滋病就是一个例子。Thee AIDS epidemic offers an example.

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防艾与禁毒必须齐心协力、齐抓共管。AIDS drug must work together, together.

麻疹和艾滋病是很易传染的。Measles and aids are highly contagious.

这也有助于在旧种子发芽。This also aids in germinating old seed.

运用视听辅助教具完善你的演讲Complement your speech with visual aids.

这种援助其实是经济侵略。Such aids amount to economic aggression.

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在驾驶时本人需要戴听觉辅助器。I have to wear hearing aids when driving.

我们必须防止艾滋病蔓延。We must prevent Aids from walking abroad.

我们不应低估艾滋病的影响。We shouldn't discount the effect of AIDS.

2004年,贾铃被查出患有艾滋病。In 2004, Jia-ling was diagnosed with AIDS.

需要矫正视力的人。People requiring aids to correct eye right.

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艾滋病的流行让人们更加瞧不起男同性恋者。The AIDS epidemic further stigmatised gays.

寻求艾滋病的治愈方式仍在持续中。The quest for an AIDS cure still continues.

这确实是对所有艾滋病研究者的清凉剂。This is for all AIDS researchers refresher.