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用长矛刺戳。To pierce with a lance.

刀扎得不很深。The knife did not pierce very deeply.

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对方有郞多、雷阿伦、皮尔斯和加内特。There's Rondo, Allen, Pierce and Garnett.

这种新型子弹头能够穿甲。This new type of bullet can pierce armor.

什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?What can pierce ones ears without a hole?

你自己的心也要被刀刺透。And a sword will pierce your own soul too.

什么东西可以不用孔就可以穿过耳朵?What can pierce one's ears without a hole.

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科比25分进账,皮尔斯勇猛拿下38分。Kobe scored 25 and Pierce scored 38 bravely.

他将刺破金笼中的双目He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage

“是的,我认为我还是准备着要,”皮尔斯说。"Yeah, I think I'm still ready," Pierce says.

似乎有锋利的冰碴刺中了哈利的心。A shard of ice seemed to pierce Harry's heart.

我甚至还可能弄个文身、搞个穿刺什么的。I may even draw on a tattoo or pierce something.

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让三月里的干旱湿到根子里。That pierce March's drought to the root and all.

保罗.皮尔斯有3种学唱英语歌的好方法。Paul Pierce has three good ways to learn English songs.

工人设法在一块皮革上打一个洞。The worker tried to pierce a hole in a piece of leather.

我还是希望皮尔斯·布鲁斯南可以再演一次邦德,至少再演最后一次。I wanted Pierce Brosnan to be Bond at least one more time.

将塑料袋封好,然后在上面搓几处小孔,放入烤箱。We fix it, pierce in several places and put into the oven.

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特勤处特工皮尔斯帮助杰克将酒店保护起来。Secret Service Agent Pierce helps Jack secure the building.

像其他的总统一样,富兰克林希望能够避免这个问题。Like other presidents, Franklin Pierce hoped to avoid the issue.

除非其他说明,所有的下模冲孔都应使用入子。All pierce die holes will be buttoned unless otherwise specified.