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汤圆是由糯米粉做成的。Tangyuan is made from glutinous rice flour.

我早知叫只糯米鸡。I should, ve ordered glutinous rice chicken.

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汤圆是由糯米粉做成的。Tangyuan nis made from glutinous rice flour.

将糯米放在镬或蒸笼上蒸熟。Steam the glutinous rice in a wok or steamer.

那粮店现在正需要糯米。The grain shop is now in need of glutinous rice.

请给本人一份糯米糍。Please give me one portion of the Glutinous Paste.

一家蒸糯饭,十家香四溢。Steams the glutinous food, ten fragrant four overflow.

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剥开这个叶子就可以吃了,是糯米做的。This leaves you can eat peel, is made of glutinous rice.

糯米粑还是传递感情的礼品。Glutinous rice cake, or the feelings of the gift delivery.

今天,人们通过吃粽子来庆祝端午节。Today, people eat glutinous rice cakes to mark the occasion.

大米,小米,糯米,糙米,薏米,黑米。Rice, millet, glutinous rice, brown rice, barley, black rice.

然后将所有的馅料包进一个个面团里。Then try to enwrap all the fillings into glutinous rice dough.

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包裹软糖的江米纸是由糯米做成的。The coat covering the soft candies is made from glutinous rice.

研究了江米酒制作米酒奶的凝乳机理。The milk-clotting mechanism of glutinous rice wine was studied.

地黄的传统药用部位是块根,为“四大怀药”之一。Glutinous rehmannia's traditional for medicinal is the root tuber.

把已炒的糯米和切件的五花腩放入茶杯中。Put the sauted glutinous rice and chopped pork belly into a teacup.

糯米焖好后就可以撮成小团,配上芒果丁即可。Shape the glutinous rice into balls and serve with ripe mango cubes.

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这就是我煮的糯米鸡饭。配上一点妈妈做的辣椒最好味不过了。Glutinous chicken rice is ready. Served with mom's chili is the best.

暖风习习,艳阳高照,空气中弥漫着浓浓的糯米香。Heater breeze, the sun, the air thick with incense of glutinous rice.

在此优化条件下糯米产生的醪糟醇香,绵甜。In optimal conditions, glutinous rice wine is of the mellowest taste.