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他开始讲话了,态度极其和蔼而慈祥。He began to talk in his most gentle and avuncular manner.

他用长辈的口气劝告年轻的同事。He adopt an avuncular tone of voice when give advice to junior colleagues.

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他用长辈的口气劝告年轻的同事。He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues.

同时还证明了叔伯系数与父权指数之间的线性关系。The linear relationship between paternity index and avuncular index is exhibited.

在周四晚上,这个伯父似的杰克逊却没能激励他的球队做同样的事。On Thursday night, the avuncular Jackson couldn't inspire his team to do the same.

但中国总理温家宝爷爷早已触及此点。But China’s relatively avuncular premier Wen Jiabao has snorkelled this reef before.

他的面部会不时的抽搐,而且长久以来一直受到口吃的困扰,正是这些才帮他将谎言隐藏在他那温和慈祥长辈的形象下面。Only his facial twitches and the ghost of an old stammer gave the lie to his calm, avuncular image.

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他五十多岁看着像个伯父,头顶光光,修的完美的梯形胡须一直散到嘴角。He is an avuncular man in his fifties with a hairless pate and a perfect trapezoidal moustache that fans out to the corners of his mouth.

这就需要新的政府,在以叔父般首领穆斯塔法·阿布的·加力的带领的过度国民政府的和谐统治下,协调反对和支持卡扎菲的两方面民众。It is up to the new ruling authorities, led by the avuncular chairman of the transitional national council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, to balance the two.

那一刻,施密特将一只伯父般的手放到佩奇的肩膀上,把他拉回到真实的世界中来。At that point, Schmidt put an avuncular hand on Page's shoulder and brought him back to the real world. Now, with Page as CEO, that hand is less likely to be there.

虽然看起来更像是个巨型玩具火车的售票大伯,可事实上他每天的工作却是把儿子在微软工作的挣来的巨额财富悉数捐掉。Though he looks like an avuncular conductor of a giant toy train set, he labors daily trying to give away one of the world’s biggest fortunes, that made by his son at Microsoft.

普遍上男同性恋同一般女性和异性恋男性相比,他们对侄子侄女和对普通小孩的利他作用之间关联最弱,也就是说他们对于侄子侄女的利他倾向与对普通孩子的利他倾向不对等。Compared to Samoan women and heterosexual men, the fa'afafine showed a much weaker link between their avuncular -- or uncle like -- behavior and their altruism toward kids generally.

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奥巴马明显很放松,他问在场的小朋友们都想要什么圣诞礼物,口气听起来像一个慈爱的电视节目主持人。Sounding a bit like an avuncular television host, the visibly relaxed president asked some two dozen children, age six to 11, at the Boys and Girls Club what they wanted for Christmas.