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晚会由我们准备。The soiree will be prepared by us.

经过大家的商量,同意由他安排晚会。We agree the soiree was arranged by him.

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这场晚会的全部流程都是由他铺排的。The whole pattern of this soiree was arranged by him.

那个斜襟上别着胸花的是今天晚会的主角。The man with a flower on his chest is the leading actor in tonight's soiree.

尼古拉本人对自己这天晚上的舞风也有些惊讶。Nikolay was a little surprised himself at his own style of dancing at that soirée.

我还没能接受这样的家庭。我想我不参加今晚的社交晚会了。I'm not really in a family mood. I think I'm gonna pass on tonight's little soiree.

晚会菜肴包括了海鲈鱼和鸭子等美食。The early evening soiree included a fancy meal of sea bass and duck, the mag reported.

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今天就是他们的开张吉日,他们准备举办一场隆重的晚宴来庆祝这一日子。This was their grand opening and they were hosting a chic soiree to celebrate the event.

晚会杂技将会一起弥漫优美的和温和的,可爱的和含蓄的。The soiree acrobatics will be permeated with graceful and gentle, lovely and implicative.

我应该放在一起一大型公共晚会或者我可以真正提高资金的事件只是一个小的家庭式?Should I put together a big public soiree or can I really raise funds with just a small home-based event?

一名女士和上校、继而是将军本人、然后是罗斯托夫一家人都在鲍里斯之后走来,晚会已无可置疑地同所有的晚会完全一样。After Boris came the colonel and his lady, then the general himself, then the Rostovs, and the soirée now began to be exactly, incontestably, like all other soirées.

解正演问题时,以时间函数形式给出震源位置上的位移边界条件来模拟震源,偏移算法与有限差分法相同。In forward modeling, seismic soiree is simulated by giving displacement boundary condition in form of time function. The migration algorithm is alike to that in finite difference method.