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白色告诉孩子们纯洁无瑕。White tells children chasteness is immaculate.

这个宗教强调男女的贞洁。This religion emphasizes chasteness in women and men.

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贞和是建立在相互尊重的基础上的。The harmonious chasteness is built on the base of the mutual respect.

海芋的花语非常美,是纯洁。幸福。清秀。纯净的爱。Beautiful words of Hai Yu is very beautiful, it is chasteness , happiness, comely, sincere love.

花瓣是淡淡的粉色,一眼望去,玻璃材质的灯,像水晶一般纯洁。Leaf is light pink, look, the tube with vitreous simple material, resemble crystal and general chasteness.

且在对大龄的自我解释、对对方的性经历要求等内容上,男性占据着主导话语权。Furthermore, men own the leading discourse in the self-explanation of"older age"and the request for the other's chasteness.

如果在婚姻中要求绝对的占有、绝对的纯洁,这样缺乏弹性的婚姻其实相当脆弱。If ask to be had absolutely in marriage, absolutely chasteness , the marriage that lacks flexibility so comparatives actually flimsy.

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对路易二世而言,天鹅象征着纯洁,于是,从壁画、门的把手到浴盆都可以看到天鹅漂亮的身影。Suit one is easy 2 worlds, swan is indicative chasteness , then, the handle from mural, door can see the figure of swan beauty to tub.

给红尘弥漫的都市带来的一股清朗,亦给人一种纯洁、清新、安宁。Give human society a cool and bright that the city that diffuse brings, also give a person a kind of chasteness , pure and fresh, quiet.

救死扶伤,不辞艰辛,执着追求,为祖国医药卫生事业的发展和人类身心健康奋斗终生。I am determined to strive diligently to eliminate man's suffering, enhance man's health conditions and uphold the chasteness and honor of medicine.

我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术的圣洁和荣誉。I am determined to strive diligently to eliminate man' s suffering, enhance man' s health conditions and uphold the chasteness and honor of medicine.

红色象征勇气和强大,白色象征纯洁和清白,蓝色象征警惕、坚忍不拔和正义。Red symbolizes the courage and mightiness, white symbolizes the chasteness and cleanly, blue symbolizes the guard, persistent, dauntless and justice.

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在色彩方面,明快色彩是主角,另外,透明色也以其自然、简单、纯洁的特质大出风头。In colour respect, lively colour is leading role, additional, transparent color also the idiosyncratic cut a dash with its nature, simple, chasteness.

我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术的圣洁与荣誉。I am determined to strive diligently to eliminate man's suffering , enhance man's health conditions and conditions and uphold the chasteness and honour of medicine.

在那个战火纷飞的年代,两人纯洁的爱情在战争的阴影下,却开放出了最为灿烂的情浓与爱意。In the time that that flames of war flies violently, the love of two people chasteness falls in warlike shadow, open however gave most bright feeling thick with love.

后来,黄因认为这段纯洁关系被王玷污去了深圳,周对王的再度追求也不了了之。Later, huang Yin thinks this paragraph of chasteness concerns by king profane went to Shenzhen, week is right of king go after once more also end up with nothing definite.

南宋以后直至元代,随着时间的推移和贞节观的进一步提倡,妇女再嫁才成为可耻的事。From Southern Song Dynasty onwards until the Yuan Dynasty, with the advocating of view of chasteness over time, the remarrying of women was regarded as a disgraceful behavior.

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最后就用来表示善者、高贵、纯洁,而最初它是金黄头发的意义,与深肤色、黑头发的土著恰恰相对。Use the person that represent kind, high, chasteness finally, and original the meaning that it is golden hair, the aboriginal just with deep color of skin, black hair is opposite.

吕坤通过点评女性在困厄之际的抉择,强调女性“闺智”与“权变”的重要性,主张“贞”行与“烈”行“心一道同”。Lu Kun emphasizes the importance of female wisdom and versatility by commenting the choice of women in the difficult situation and claims the accordance of chasteness and moral integrity.