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在这个国家外籍居民的孩子免费上学。In this country children of denizen go to school free.

如今,作为一个老道的酒店常客,用田刚自己的话来说,他也是一个挑剔的人。The denizen of luxury hotels is, using his own words, a picky guest.

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多年在林中享有权利的香柏树,竟死在樵夫手下!The aged denizen of the forest is doomed to succumb to the woodman's stroke!

中国北京,交通堵塞日趋严重,几乎困扰着每位居民的日常出行。There is likely no city in China where traffic has become such a daily annoyance for every denizen as Beijing.

与居民、物业管理者等进行交流。Interview inquiring method will interview denizen and property superintendents in these two residential districts.

日语本身的特性为柔软且吸收多方文化的,其中的外来语更是一种便利的且具有丰富表现能力的语言。Japanese is flexible, and full of multi-cultures Language. Denizen of Japanese is one of the languages with convenience and rich expression.

柏林人可能特别喜欢他们的动物园,但在各种外国动物之中,最能吸引他们兴趣的是宝宝及其令人失望的爱情生活。Berliners may be particularly fond of their zoo, but it is Bao Bao and his disappointing love life that grips their imagination more than any other denizen.

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现在,有一种现象就是西方的节日逐步传入中国,这样一来,每当圣诞节,愚人节等,大城市的居民竞相庆祝。There is a phenomena that west festivals are coming into China gradually nowadays, thus every Christmas day or April Fool's Day many denizen from large cities cheer for these.

在冷水区域,最著名的海生物是白鲨,它也是南澳州、南非、北美西部海湾区域游戈的著名生物。In cold-water regions, the most famous denizen is the white shark, which is famous for patrolling the temperate coasts of south Australia, South Africa and the west coast of North America.

我们记得,在1642年2,一个米尔顿的匿名攻击者声称,可以在伦敦的妓院后巷看到米尔顿在躲躲闪闪,他是伦敦剧场的常客。We remember that Milton's anonymous attacker in 1642 had not only claimed that Milton could be found skulking around the back alleys of London's brothels he was a denizen of London's playhouses.