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后台管理者更像是一位戏剧导演。The offstage manager operates more like a theatrical director.

按照加演的传统做法,我们走到后台后又再次返场。We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore.

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后台管理着重“治理总体环境,而非具体的人员”。Offstage managers focus on "managing the environment, not the people."

谭元元非常注意自己的公众形象,台下的她显得有些拘谨。Keenly aware of her public stature, Tan offstage seems slightly guarded.

达文波特说,最有效的管理方式是“后台管理”。Davenport describes the most effective style of leading as "offstage management."

乌兰巴托的一场流行音乐会会场外,一群美腿模特和一位少年杂技演员正在等待入场。Leggy models and a child acrobat wait offstage at a pop music concert in Ulaanbaatar.

她被快速抬到后台,赛后记者会组织人呼叫救护人员。She was rushed offstage while the organizer of a post-pageant news conference called for aid.

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歌唱部分由舞台后面的合唱队完成,他们同时担任着诵读旁白和对话的任务。The singing is accomplished by an offstage chorus that also recites the narrative and dialogues.

这篇文章只是给出了一个框架如何进行复杂冗繁的计算,可以说是上不了台面阿。The paper gives only a sketch of complex and lengthy computations that take place, so to speak, offstage.

就在那时,一个制作人走进准备室,叫我去站在舞台后面,准备上台了。Just then, one of the production managers came into the hold room and told me it was time to take my position offstage.

尽管王琦瑶深爱的两个男人的死都与政治大舞台有关,但直接的原因似乎更多的发生在后台。Though politics play a role in the deaths of two of the men Wang Qiyao loves, history more often seems to happen offstage.

虽然政治要为王琦瑶所爱的两个男人的死负很大的责任,但是历史活在人们的日常生活之中。Though politics play a role in the deaths of two of the men Wang Qiyao loves, history more often seems to happen offstage.