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这是一个电影胶卷。It’s a film reel.

取下塑料盘放好。Take off the plastic reel.

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将一个塑料卷盘安装在机器上。Fix a plastic reel on machine.

抛投时卷线器发出噪音。Reel makes noise when casting.

为什么近来我的渔轮抛投不顺。My reel doesn't cast well recently.

爸爸帮助我慢慢的把这条鱼卷上来。Daddy helps me slowly reel in the fish.

她是否如醉客一般地摇晃呢?Does she not reel like a drunken woman?

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他把线抛出,然后把线绕回。He cast the line and then reel it back.

婴儿将那团线弄得乱七八糟。The baby raveled the reel of thread up.

沙漠上愤怒的鸟群阴影飞旋。Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.

这些散文他能够大段大段地背出来。He can reel off great chunks of these essays.

其中一种流行的纵队舞叫维吉尼亚里尔舞。A popular longways is called the Virginia reel.

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宁波市江东红日卷帘机有限公司。Ningbo Jiangdong Hongri Reel Machine Co. , Ltd.

纸板,厚圆卷筒中心,打破了。Cardboard, Thick round Reel centers, broke down.

一个女人去沃尔玛超市买鱼竿和鱼线轴。A woman goes into Wal-Mart to buy a rod and reel.

阿巧学会了如何抽丝和给丝染色。Aqiao learned how to reel silk and how to dye it.

请你把这些线重新绕在线轴儿上好吗?Would you please rewind the thread onto the reel?

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比尔的钓竿已经裂了,马克的绕线轮也坏了。Bill's rod is splintered and Mark's reel out of fix.

1769年,理查德·阿克莱特发明了卷轴纺纱机。In 1769, Richard Arkwright invented a spinning reel.

弹簧驱动卷轴可以改装成“持续张紧”式卷轴吗?Can my spring driven reel be made "constant tension"?