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第二年,他取道威尼西亚进入意大利,焚毁阿基利亚和帕多瓦,洗劫米兰。Next year he came into Italy by way of Venetia, burned Aquileia and Padua and looted Milan.

现在,这座古堡的房间被一位叫丽莎贝塔的老妇人出租给帕多瓦大学的学生们。Now, an old woman, Signora Lisabetta, rented its rooms to students at the University of Padua.

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壁画在竞技场教堂在帕多瓦是在艺术的历史的庆祝的工作之中。The frescoes in the Arena Chapel in Padua are among the most celebrated works in the history of art.

为完成其父的心愿,她进入意大利帕多瓦大学学习,因其杰出的成绩于1678年6月25日在帕多瓦大教堂被授予了博士学位。The degree was conferred June 25, 1678, in the cathedral of Padua in presence of many persons eminent for learning and rank.

这对夫妇在季风雨季的高峰时节,在被水淹过的马尼拉圣安东尼帕多瓦教堂里喜结连理。The couple tied the knot inside the flooded San Antonio de Padua Parish Church in Singalong, Manila, at the height of the monsoon rains.

利用帕多瓦大学研发的一种新技术,对该气管进行了六个多星期去细胞处理,以至于不会残留供者细胞。Using a new technique developed in Padua University, the trachea was decellularised over a six-week period so that no donor cells remained.

平纳是义大利萨沙里大学的教授,他毕业自帕多瓦大学与研究所。BAINGIO PINNA a professor at the University of Sassari in Italy, received his undergraduate and graduate education at the University of Padua.

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伽利略痕迹伟大的科学家的教育,形容他特立独行的实验,在帕多瓦和比萨,并再现了独具特色的通路他的著名的发现。Galileo Galilei traces the great scientist's education, describes his maverick experiments in Padua and Pisa, and recreates the ingenious pathway of his famous discoveries.

一封友人手写的信件中,安静的文字却流露出他的满腹牢骚,爱开玩笑,待人热心,而且带有一丝来自帕多瓦或布拉瓦约的腔调。Though ostensibly silent, a handwritten letter from someone we know speaks with the voice—querulous, joking, ardent, tinged with an accent from Padua or Bulawayo—of its author.

2004年,来自帕多瓦大学的研究员声称在裹尸布相反的一面发现了一个非常微弱和更加模糊的肖像,由脸部和双手组成。In 2004, researchers from the University of Padua announced the discovery of a very faint and much less detailed image on the reverse side of the shroud, consisting of the face and hands.

你已经看过一本名为“星夜的差使”的小册子,这本由帕瓦多大学的数学家伽利略撰述有关天空的卓越发现。You have just read a pamphlet entitled The Starry Messenger, by a mathematician at the University of Padua named Galileo Galilei in which the author reports remarkable observations about the heavens.

现在,这座古堡的房间被一位叫丽莎贝塔的老妇人出租给帕多瓦大学的学生们。Now, an old woman, Signora Lisabetta, rented its rooms to students at the University of Padua. Giovanni's room had a small window. From it he could see a large garden that had many plants and flowers.