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在山顶的坦克是特别脆弱的。Tanks cresting a ridge are particularly vulnerable.

河和它的纳贡者正在到达绝顶他们的岸。The river and its tributaries are cresting their banks.

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水浪与压缩过球的口袋兼容的侧面板上的标志。Logo cresting compatible side panel with zip-off ball pocket.

当夕阳的余辉,照耀在海豚的背上,我的下午也结束了。And the afternoon would end with dolphins cresting in the water ahead.

我看见,有一处地方的湖水已在堤坝顶部形成浪峰。At one point, I saw the waters had even begun cresting over the top of the dyke.

在持续数日的将雨后,东北部的主要河流暴涨,致使许多地方洪水泛滥。Major rivers in the Northeast are cresting after days of rain left many areas flooded.

北达科他州法戈市当局称,红河水位暴涨后今天开始回落。Authorities in Fargo, North Dakota says the Red River's water levels are starting to fall after cresting today.

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她推开他的手,把煮水的锅撞歪了,热浪翻到了John裸露的手腕上。She pushed his hand out of the way, causing the pot to lurch and send one boiling wave cresting onto John's exposed wrist.

虽然这些带疣突的金星品种是非常罕见的,那种疣突确是自然天成,而且在其他的仙人球品种也可看到类似情况。Though these crested M. longimamma are very rare, cresting occurs naturally, and can be encountered in many other cactus species.

为此本文开展了水平井延缓和控制底水脊进均衡排液控制技术研究。For this, the equability inflow controlling technology for delaying and controlling bottom water cresting is studied in this paper.

中国内部形势的脆弱性以及人口优势二十年即将见顶等现状也包含在佛雷德伯格的研究之内。The fragility of China's internal situation and the cresting in two decades of its demographic advantage do not escape Friedberg's scrutiny.

过本文的研究,将为水平井底水油藏有效延缓和控制底水非均匀脊进提供一种新的的方法和技术指导。The study in this paper will provide a new method and instructor for effective delay and control of bottom water cresting in the bottom water reservoir.

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全美国大部分地区法定的喝酒年龄是21岁,如果你想让你的盛大生日派对锦上添花,在喝啤酒这个问题上,你可能需要一些指南。The legal age for drinking throughout most of the US is 21 so, if you're cresting the big birthday, you probably will need some pointers on how to drink beer.

现在集成电路成了计算机的组成部分,使计算机的体积大大缩小,而产生了新一代的袖珍式微型计算机。Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part, thus cresting a new generation of portable minicomputer.

登顶现象在水平井或大斜度井中出现,并受所包含流体的特性和水平渗透率与垂直渗透率的比率的影响。Cresting occurs in horizontal or highly deviated wells and is affected by the characteristics of the fluids involved and the ratio of horizontal to vertical permeability.

这些贫穷和无助的景象似乎与现代化的中国不相称,看看新的北京机场,它梦幻般的顶篷卷起如波峰的阵阵涟漪。These snapshots of poverty and hopelessness seem out of place in modern China, with the new Beijing airport and its visionary roof which soars and ripples like a cresting wave.

我用草体书写,所以我担心的是那里面的两个小写s不对称,而且我以前学习写s上面都有个圆点。I write in fairly legible cursive, so my concern was that the two lowercase s’swould be asymmetrical, not have the same roundness with a little point cresting the top, the way I was taught.

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那些加州拥护最高法院强有力判决的人,希望亚利桑那同意同性恋婚姻的信号对同志友善的法令得到加强。Californians who embraced the powerful language of the supreme court decision are hoping that the Arizona win signals a cresting of the electoral push back against gay-friendly court rulings.

他们有大而黑的眼睛,像貘一样的猪嘴,前端长有吸盘的柔韧长手指,头顶上有一对茶碟状的感觉器官,脑壳沿脊椎还长有山脊状的刺。They have large, black eyes, tapir-like snouts, long flexible fingers terminating in suction cups, twin saucer-like sensory organs atop their heads, and a ridge of spines cresting their skulls.