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硬水使水壶生了垢。Hard water furred the kettle.

她身上穿着“貂皮”衣服。She furred herself with ermine.

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一见毛尾巴,便知是狐狸。The fox is known by his furred tail.

我有三条静脉出现了堵塞,需要做个三支搭桥手术。Three of my veins had furred up and I needed a triple bypass.

他看到自己的双手,又沾满白雪,抓著绳子。He saw his own hands, furred again with snow, holding the rope.

伊沃克人是富有灵性的、披毛的两足生物,居住在恩多的卫星上。The Ewoks are sentient furred bipeds native to the moon of Endor.

应当具有一个波浪状羽毛一样,至极柔嫩的尾巴。Should have a well furred tail with the appearance of a waving plume.

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应该拥有一个波浪状羽毛一样,非常柔软的尾巴。Should have a well furred tail with the appearance of a waving plume.

我慢慢爬出玩乐柜,说话口齿不清,脚步蹒跚,头重如铅。Slowly I crawled out of the cupboard, my tongue furred , my feet heavy.

只能看到两只绿眼睛和一只白绒绒的耳朵。All that could be seen of him were his green eyes and one white- furred ear.

容声集成吊顶有没有专场团购的?Hold the integrated furred ceiling of sound if having the special performance regiment buy?

我看见它充满了无限活力,在我身体上方的空中伸展开来,仿佛一道飞逝的毛绒绒的彩虹。I saw his body, so immeasurably vital, stretched in the air above me, a fleeting, furred rainbow.

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蓬松,她的头发高高隆起,摆出一付好像猫儿被狗逼在墙角那样的典型姿态。Her tail furred out, her hair rose, and she assumed the typical attitude of a cat close-cornered by a dog.

我的学生花了很多力气想弄出蓝色色块上厚实茂密的表面,但是他的努力只得到一片松软散淡的蓝色My student tried hard to get the thick furred look of the blue area, but all he could manage was a flaccid, watery pool of blue

这种白毛的蝙蝠出没在从墨西哥到巴西一带的热带雨林中,以及加勒比地区的特立尼达岛上。This white furred bat is found in tropical rain forests from Mexico to Brazil, and also in the island of Trinidad, in the Caribbean.

为了北极生存,它们进化出许多独特的特点包括长满绒毛的脚,为了可以在冰上获得更好的抓力,它们是那么的可爱,让人想去拥抱。Polar bears have evolved unique features for Arctic life, including furred feet that have good traction on ice and totally cute and cuddly.

这只可爱的白毛仓鼠把小粉鼻子伸出玻璃瓶,貌似主人桌上的这个小瓶子对它来说尺寸刚刚好。With its small pink nose poking out of the glass container, the adorable white furred hamster appears to fit perfectly inside the small vessel on its owners table.

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尾巴上的毛很丰富,像狐狸尾巴,恰好位于背线之下,犬立正时尾巴通常以优美的镰刀形曲线背在背上。The well furred tail of fox-brush shape is set on just below the level of the topline, and is usually carried over the back in a graceful sickle curve when the dog is at attention.