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其实,早在成为金融事务委员会办事员之前,罗伯逊就已经当了很多年的游说家。Roberson previously worked as a lobbyist for the financial services industry.

在一个小时的漫骂演说中,立法者猛烈抨击议案通过者反对他的议案。In an hour long philippic , the legislator denounced the lobbyist opposing his bill.

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弗兰克·威斯纳克,前驻埃及大使,并为埃及军队在华盛顿做说客。Wisner, the former ambassador to Egypt and a lobbyist in DC for the Egyptian military.

一位银行游说人士表示,与费恩伯格相比,美联储的做法是一种“令人耳目一新”的改变。A bank lobbyist said the Fed's approach was a “refreshing” change from that of Mr Feinberg.

全国枪支协会的高级院外活动集团成员说,恐怖分子监视名单具有极差的完备性。The top lobbyist for the National Rifle Association said the terrorist watch list has poor integrity.

若干专家,包括业界说客乔治.佛林特,已预言戴维丝这项冒险行动注定失败。Several experts, including industry lobbyist George Flint, have already predicted failure for Davis' venture.

另一位是卫生部高官威廉•科尔,曾为禁烟运动说客。And William Corr , a former lobbyist for an anti-smoking group, is to have a top job at the health department.

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但奥巴马沉着地提醒观众,麦凯恩阵营的选举经理就长期为房利美做国会说客。But Mr Obama coolly reminded the audience that Mr McCain’s campaign manager had long been a lobbyist for Fannie Mae.

但奥巴马沉着地提醒观众,麦凯恩阵营的选举经理就长期为房利美做国会说客。But Mr Obama coolly reminded the audience that Mr McCain’s campaign manager had long been a lobbyist for Freddie Mac.

检察官正在调查现代公司是否运作行贿基金并且经由一个说客进行金权交易。Prosecutors are investigating whether Hyundai operated slush funds and offered cash for political favors via a lobbyist.

我不知道科迪是否是一个真实的人,还是怀揣着伟大图景和巨大创造力的产业界说客。I don’t know if Cody is a real person or perhaps an industry lobbyist with a great imagination and tremendous creativity.

1995年,他们又重新振起,这次他们找到前佛罗里达州议会发言人唐纳德。达克作为他们的主要说客。In 1995, it tried again, using Donald Tucker, former speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, as its main lobbyist. Mr.

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目前,这个互联网巨头雇用了一位来自拉斯维加斯的说客,推动内华达州政府修改法律以使自驾驶车辆的使用合法化。The internet giant has now hired a Las Vegas lobbyist to press for changes in the law to allow for them to be used legally in Nevada.

这个提案送到我办公室之后,我与全国步枪协会的一个年轻说客有一场精彩的交锋,他专程从华盛顿赶来,希望促成通过法案。After the bill was sent to me, I had an extraordinary encounter with the young NRA lobbyist who came down from Washington to push the bill.

位于西雅图的MicroPlanet去年十月份的时候雇佣了一个说客,想要财政支持他们的一项可以储存电力的技术。MicroPlanet, a Seattle-based company that hired a lobbyist last October, wants help deploying a technology it says would help conserve power.

梅西,是位于Dothan城的"横跨乡村"赌场的说客,他在法庭上承认了自己犯有一项串谋罪,和五项行贿罪。Massey, the lobbyist for the Country Crossing casino in Dothan, pleaded guilty in court to one count of conspiracy and five counts of bribery.

"横跨乡村"赌场的老板罗尼-吉利的律师说,他的客户从来没有被授权进行任何贿赂行为,他们相信说客应该不会干啥缺德事。A lawyer for Country Crossing developer Ronnie Gilley says his client never authorized any bribes and trusted the lobbyist to operate ethically.

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其次我们要感激冰山泉水为我们带来了独一无二的金利克酒。But second to only icy mountain springwater drunk straight from the source is the incomparable Gin Rickey, and for that we have a lobbyist to thank.

赢得资金“在这种情势下是一大挑战”一个密切关注业外争论的长期游说者说。Winning the funding "is going to be a challenge in this environment, " says a longtime lobbyist closely watching the debate from outside the industry.

Dorries说她不清楚“知道的权力”得到的资助来自哪里,不过说它代表了“好几百”人,由一个游说团体运营。Dorries said she did not know how the Right to Know campaign was being funded, claiming that it represented "hundreds" of people and was run by a lobbyist.