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舞蹈动作招来了一场大笑。The dance emote got a ton of laughs.

的表情在远程触发轮。The emotes are triggered over the emote wheel.

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这面是热闹。我希望他们使用它!That emote is hilarious. xD I hope they use it!

你可以迷恋于你的眉毛表现感情的方式。You can get really fancy with how your brows emote.

最后,本文实现了一个遥感影像处理系统。Finally, this paper presents ar emote sensing system.

欢呼的动作在我第二次做的时候变化了,我推测它可能是随机的。The Cheer emote was different the second time I did it, and I assume it was random.

如果总是让模特屏住呼吸的话,她是无法表现出自然的表情的。If your subject if holding her breath she cannot emote and create natural expressions.

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舞蹈动作很流畅,而且我认为矮人和兽人的舞蹈是一样的。The dance emote was fluid and it was the same dance I think for both Dwarves and Orcs.

兽人和矮人在次拥有同样的无礼动作,一条胳膊平放,另一条与之交叉。The Orcs and Dwarves again did the same emote of one arm level and the other crossing it.

宾客现在可以祝贺新人。表情自然。保留好美好的一切。Guests may now congratulate the married couple. Emote freely. Save celebratory gems for use outside.

实在没有什么醒目的话,你就可以看增量个性。There is really nothing eye catching about it, and it can fail to emote your individual personality.

民众希望总统激动地作出戏剧化的反应,这样好让他们看到在公共舞台上他们的情绪感染到了总统。They want him to emote and perform the proper theatrical gestures so they can see their emotions enacted on the public stage.

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如果总是让模特屏住呼吸的话,她是无法表现出自然的表情的。To do that a person has to hold their breath. If your subject if holding her breath she cannot emote and create natural expressions.

安迪瑟金斯有别于其他演员,他能用观众不常见的方式诠释无法说话或表达情感的角色。Andy Serkis is unlike any other character. He can have characters that don't speak, emote ways that you don't really see often in movies.

“一个正确的时间和地点是让雄性发情的重要条件。”纽约精神治疗师布兰达·索珊娜博士如是说。作为。" Time and space are crucial to getting a man to emote. ", says Brenda Shoshanna, Ph. D. , a psychotherapist in New York City and author of.

搞笑骑士是个专精于用肢体语言战斗的职业,逗笑以及嘲弄对手让他们感到怜悯而投降,或者一拳打向玩家的脸。Loladins will be a new class focusing on emote combat, tickling and laughing at their enemies until they feel pity and give up, or punch the player in the face.

在好莱坞的黄金时代,当时闻名的电影常常是巨星施展才华的平台,剧情片和催泪片使男女主演使尽浑身解数表现丰富情感。In Hollywood's golden age, the celebrated films of the day were often giant star vehicles, dramas and tearjerkers that let the leading men and women emote until the rafters fell down.