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我该穿蓝色的那件的。I shoulda worn my blue one.

我真该把电话放在家。I shoulda left my phone at home.

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我应该把一切放下,也包括那只戒指。Shoulda put it down. Shoulda got that ring.

妻子就应该服从丈夫吗?Shoulda wife submit herself to her husband.

避免“可能、或许、应该”返回行为。Avoid the "Coulda, woulda, shoulda" return act.

你应该爱上了老子但是你就是不港是摆?You shoulda loved me right but you didn't, did ya?

骨弓你有点骨质疏松,多吃点菠菜。Clinkz, your bones were brittle. Shoulda eaten more spinach.

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我一辈子都在找大款。我真该搬到中国!Ive looked for a sugar daddy all my life. I shoulda moved to China!

我可不想到老了才说“我当年要是……就好了……”,你明白吧?I never want to be that old man saying "I shoulda done this", you know?

对创建和运行Cucumber测试和Shoulda测试进行特定的协助。Specific assistance for creating and running Cucumber test scenarios and Shoulda

对于一场美式足球比赛,人们总是对于教练的策略有很多基于假设性的意见。For a football game, there is always lots of Shoulda Woulda Coulda of the coachs strategy.

我知道他没付电话费所以他的手电用不了。但他至少该找个公用电话通知一声。I know his cell phone's been deactivated but he really shoulda had the courtesy to find a pay phone before coming.

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我的嗓子已无法承受,从第一首歌开始我就感觉到不对劲,我很想就此打住,但我是个专业人士,不管发生了什么表演都应该继续下去。My voice couldn't take it. From the first song I knew something was wrong. I shoulda stopped there, but I come from a school where no matter what, the show must go on.