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欢迎光临温哥华。Welcome to Vancouver.

你是到温哥华去吗?Are you going to Vancouver?

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我们是从温哥华出发的。We started out in Vancouver.

你以前去过温哥华吗?Have you been to Vancouver before?

我的叔叔和婶婶住在温哥华。My aunt and uncle live in Vancouver.

大约一个月之前我就呆在温哥华。I was in Vancouver about a month ago.

你的朋友计划到温哥华一日游,你推荐他去那?To go to Vancouver for a one-day tour ?

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有直飞温哥华的飞机吗?Do they have direct flights to Vancouver?

摄于加拿大西海岸的温哥华岛。Long beach, Tofino, Vancouver Island , BC.

在温哥华艺廊举办个展。One-man show at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

你好,我要经温哥华转机上海。Hello. I'm going to Shanghai via Vancouver.

我听说温哥华的三文鱼是最好的。I hear the salmon in Vancouver is the best.

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但是温哥华从来没有赢得斯坦利杯。But Vancouver has never won the Stanley Cup.

温哥华街道的第一缕曙光。The first rays of dawn streets of Vancouver.

范库弗峰是一个卓越的服务中心。Vancouver is predominantly a service center.

学校位于不列颠哥伦比亚大学的温哥华校区。The school is located on UBC's Vancouver campus.

应邀与陈红在温哥华餐厅吃饭。Invited to lunch at Vancouver Place by Chen Hong.

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去年6月在温哥华,我参加了我的第一次半程马拉松。I did my first half-marathon in Vancouver last June.

自从2002年温哥华蝉联冠军以来,墨尔本第一次获得这个冠军。Melbourne was a joint winner with Vancouver in 2002.

每一天,我都想象着自己去温哥华看海蒂。And every day I imagined visiting Heidi in Vancouver.