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蒸汽可能引起困倦和眩晕。Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

蒸汽会引起昏睡和眩晕。R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

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可能有嗜睡或意识丧失,太多。There may be drowsiness or loss of consciousness, too.

而在那一刻你起身,那昏昏欲睡的感觉将在几分钟内完全消失。If you get up, the drowsiness will vanish in a minute or two.

而那时,丈夫却是睡意正浓,只想醒了再说。And then, the husband is drowsiness is strong, want to wake up again.

睡眠辅助性药物可能产生出依赖,在上夜班时犯困。Using sleep aids daily can cause dependancy and drowsiness during your shift.

夜间嗜睡问题有可能是由于我自己的习惯。The nighttime drowsiness problem could partially be caused by my own behavior.

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市面上销售的解充血产品能使血压升高,而且产生睡意。Over-the-counter decongestants can elevate blood pressure and cause drowsiness.

总而言之,即便偶尔有睡意,也千万别低估失眠的危害。Don't underestimate the dangers of insomnia, including accidents from drowsiness.

随之而来的是体内温度下降,自然会导致困倦和睡眠。The ensuing drop in body temperature will naturally initiate drowsiness and sleep.

这种感觉还谈不上什么困倦或是睡意,它要温柔的多,就像一种轻推的感觉。However, it wasn’t a feeling of drowsiness at all — it was more like a gentle pressure.

手推车迟缓的咿呀声从街上传来,与我昏昏欲睡的心态何其吻合。The carts in the street purr slow, distinct sounds in seeming accord with my drowsiness.

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昨天晚上我总是能按时醒来并且没有贪睡的感觉。Last night was the first night where I felt fairly alert and awake without too much drowsiness.

要有冷静的思想就得克服睡魔、懒惰和沉闷。To have your mind set on calmness, you must take power over sleepiness, drowsiness and lethargy.

62他们的谈话渐渐平息了,小流浪汉们困了,上下眼皮打起了架。Gradually their talk died out and drowsiness began to steal upon the eyelids of the little waifs.

普遍看法认为,人们打呵欠是由于困乏或疲倦造成的,因为他们需要氧气。It is commonly believed that people yawn as a result of drowsiness or weariness because they need oxygen.

放松的活动可以有助于好睡眠让我们从觉醒缓慢过渡到困觉。Relaxing activities can promote better sleep by easing the transition between wakefulness and drowsiness.

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开始有先兆中暑症状,以后出现头痛、不安、嗜睡、甚至昏迷。Symptoms of premonitory heatstroke appear first then come the headache dysphoria drowsiness and even coma.

褪黑素受体安眠药中的一个代表是雷美替胺片剂。雷美替胺的副作用包括晕眩、反胃,以及头痛。Ropinirole is available as a pill, side effects include nausea, weakness, drowsiness and periods of amnesia.

许多此类药品服用后会让人产生睡意,所以在选择此类药品时你必须非常谨慎。Many of the allergy medications will cause drowsiness so you must choose your OTC allergy medication carefully.