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他们把矮种马赶进了畜栏。They drove the ponies into a corral.

把马关进围栏后,我们就吃中饭。After we corral the horses we'll have lunch.

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我们就把马放在这伤心峡谷里。We'll corral the mustangs here in Blue Canyon.

你无法通过推断意图来捕捉完它。You can't corral it by inferring an intention.

一匹英俊的摩根马正在勃朗峰德拉蒙德山附近的牧场围栏中悠闲地进食。A horse grazes the grass in a ranch corral near Drummond, Mont.

我把它拿到外面,搁在牛厩篱笆的下面横栏上。I took it outside and laid it on the lower rail of the corral fence.

何提供的骡子力不从心和安全带来了她的畜栏。José rendered the mule powerless and brought her safely to the corral.

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但是电子邮件的使用分布非常广泛,目前不可能统一为任何一种结构。But email is too widely distributed to corral into a any kind of structure now.

用这些来收集细丝带——易拉罐可使分类罐更完美。Use these to corral narrow ribbon—the flip-top lid makes the perfect dispenser.

桑姆把马群带到了左边,一会儿,他带着他们通过一个又低又窄的通道。"We'll corral the mustangs here in Blue Canyon. " Slim said. He got off his horse.

斯蒂芬史密斯中校他们也建了一个不错的牛栏。Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Goldsmith has found they also make a good cattle corral.

也许他们也许好比在一个马圈中两匹围着各自转圈一样躲避问题。They may have danced around issues like two stallions circling each other in a corral.

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自从巴拿马投毒,中国正在考虑如何围栏化学工业。Since the Panama poisonings , China is considering ways to corral the chemical industry.

根据报道,对抗仍在继续,警方还在追捕。According to reports, the confrontations were continuing as officers battled to corral them.

外头是一个用篱笆围起来的区域,可以牢牢捆住马绳,还有一块可以储存乾草的空地,以及畜栏。Outside was a fenced-in area to hold a string of horses, a place to store hay, and a corral.

由于中国握有万亿美元的美债,美国很难困住中国。With trillions of dollers in debt, America is hardly in a position to do much to corral China.

产品广泛应用于畜禽舍建设、厂房、仓库、及其它建筑。Products are widely applied to corral buildings, factory buildings, warehouses, and other buildings.

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他们在北京指定了三处偏远的地点作为***示威的地点,使之成为“围困”示威者的围栏。They've designated three remote sites in Beijing in which to corral a few neutered "demonstrations."

一天晚上,工程师向伙伴们宣布了一个为畜栏设防的计划。The engineer one evening imparted to his friends a plan which he had conceived for fortifying the corral.

这个了不起的发明让你把所有的清洁用品都集中放到一处。Cleaning caddy. This wonderful invention allows you to corral cleaning products all together in one location.