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拉斯有一些鸭子。Russ has some ducks.

在一个岩架上的罗素栖木!Russ perches on a ledge!

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瑞秋跟另外一个名叫纳斯的男人约会。Rachael dated with another guy whose name was Russ.

他向工程院院长做了反映。The dean of Ohio's Russ College of Engineering and Technology.

“你就当是在跟我谈话,”大鲁斯说,“别搞得太花哨。"Pretend you're talking to me, " Big Russ said. "Don't get too fancy.

从此之后我就在我的艺术创作上署名SSUR,也就是倒过来的RUSS。From this I started signing my artworks with SSUR, which is RUSS in reverse.

那天晚上对马丁很为重要,因为他晚饭后遇见了罗司·布里森登。It proved a momentous night for Martin, for after dinner he met Russ Brissenden.

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这些捐助人的代表之一就是被很多人经常念叨的前威斯康星议员拉斯.法因戈尔德。The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold a former senator from Wisconsin.

这些捐助人的代表之一就是被很多人经常念叨的前威斯康星议员拉斯.法因戈尔德。The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold, a former senator from Wisconsin.

而现在诺琳却和罗斯订婚了。达夫曾经用手套扇过罗斯一巴掌。Noreen is now engaged to Russ, and one day Dave slaps Russ in the face with gloves.

该报主编罗斯斯坦顿称这些报道将新闻业的问责制推向最佳状态。The paper’s editor, Russ Stanton, called the reporting “accountability journalism at its best.”

队Milram的马蒂亚斯拉斯背离博物馆广场为在阿姆斯特丹5月8日个人计时赛。Team Milram's Matthias Russ departs from Museum Square for the individual time trial in Amsterdam May 8.

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整个过程韦少要么在笑,要么用手捂着脸,似乎在避免更多的笑声。The whole time Russ is either smiling, or his face is buried in his hands, presumably to stifle more laughter.

得到了众议员罗恩•保罗,参议员伯尼•桑德斯,和前参议员罗斯•范戈尔德的政治支持。Received political support from Congressman Ron Paul, Senator Bernie Sanders, and former Senator Russ Feingold.

一等列兵罗斯·麦吉尼斯是一个来自小县城的19岁瘦弱男孩。他喜欢汽车、扑克和吵闹的音乐。Private, First Class, Russ McGuiness was a skinny 19-year-old from a small town, who liked cars, poker and loud music.

拉斯密执安大学米勒是在机器人罗德奥以炫耀个人死推算,或导航,系统。Russ Miller of University of Michigan is at the Robotics Rodeo to shows off a personal dead-reckoning, or navigation, system.

当“硅谷网联”风光不再的时候,拉塞尔被调离斯坦福来到“硅谷网联”掌舵。Russ was recruited away from Stanford to take the helm of Joint Venture at a time when the organization had lost its initial potency.

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我从未见过拉塞尔在哪场比赛中在场上踱着方步或者哪怕是慢吞吞地跑动,而这种竞技状态于NBA中的其它人可是闻所未闻,因为一个赛季实在是太漫长了。I never once saw Russ dogging it or pacing himself in a game, which is almost unheard of in the NBA, because of the length of the season.

这真不能怪威少出手多,球队其他人连球都拿不好,别说投篮得分了。You can't really blame Russ for taking that many shots, the rest of the team couldn't handle the ball at one point let alone make a bucket.

我甚至不想评论了,阿杜下个回合就是一个暴扣再送了威少一个帽。我还能承受多少这样的镜头,蓝瘦香菇。I don't even want to comment, as Durant dunked the next possession and then blocked Russ. Idk how much of this I can take, making me sad af.